The Applied Knowledge Challenge rewards you for a successful degree, completed apprenticeship, or for seriously trying (or building) your own business.
This challenge is about rewarding you for creating an applied knowledge base for your life. You have learned something that will bring you opportunities and stability in your life, even if it is of course only a basis for a lifelong learning.
The Applied Knowledge Challenge is designed to motivate you even if you are in the middle of the sometimes difficult phase of an apprenticeship, a course of study or at the beginning of self-employment. Go for it!
This challenge is also a part of the Timeless Challenge!
I believe that every person can change the world with their actions! Make your life through meaningful actions (challenges) to something special and lasting! Make yourself immortal!
We want to plant one million trees worldwide without begging for donations!Uwe Kauntz
A new challenge every Monday! Stay informed!
- Instagram: @timeless_challenge
- Facebook: Rockyourgoal
- Twitter: @goal_rock
To get the Life Score points and your marble, you must have completed an apprenticeship, a degree or two years of self-employment. In the case of self-employment, it is not relevant whether this was/is successful or whether you failed. In any case, you have learned a lot for your life. However, it should have been full-time.
Life Score points for the Applied Knowledge Challenge

For your perseverance and your acquired knowledge you will receive from us 200 Life-Score Punkte sowie die begehrte Murmel (Durchmesser 20mm)
How you can participate in the Applied Knowledge Challenge
- Register on this page! Once registered, you can take part in all our challenges with this account.
- Nun heißt es das Studium, die Lehre oder mindestens zwei Jahre Selbständigkeit durchzuziehen!
- Wenn Du das geschafft hast, füll bitte das Formular unten aus und Du bekommst von uns (kostenlos) die Murmel und die Life-Score Punkte gutgeschrieben. Easy, oder?
Eine genaue Beschreibung des Tools findest Du in unserem Booklet
Erfasse Dein Ergebnis
Die Applied Knowledge Ehrentabelle
Die Applied Knowledge Challenge on Social Media
Wenn Du Deinen Erfolg mit anderen teilen möchtest, dann kannst Du dies natürlich tun.
Die Applied Knowledge Challenge auf Facebook
We invite you to join our group for an informal exchange about this challenge. Personality on Facebook.
- timelesschallenge
- tcappliedknowledgechallenge