Italien ist eines der schönsten Länder der Welt. Seine Geschichte reicht viele tausende Jahre zurück und diese Geschichte ist an jedem Ort zu spüren. Die Menschen sind sehr freundlich, haben Feuer im Blut und lieben das „dolce vita“. Das Essen ist weltberühmt und vielfältig und die Strände legendär.
But Italy also has a side, which is still relatively unknown to most people, its wonderful lakes. We want to show this with the Iron Lake Challenge Italy change, because these blue jewels are not only large and diverse, but above all beautiful! The largest Italian lakes are mostly located in northern Italy and are often surrounded by mountains, but the south and Sardinia also have a lot to offer.
There are a thousand reasons to circumnavigate these lakes, but for me the most important is the curiosity to know Italy as few know it.
The rules for Iron Lake Challenge Italy are very simple. Nevertheless, we would like to clarify them once again at this point:
- Sign up for the Iron Lake Challenge Italy!
- To conquer the Iron Lake Challenge Italy and earn the beautiful collector's medal, you have to walk around the ten largest lakes of Italy after your registration. Lakes that are partly located on the territory of other countries (e.g. Lake Maggiore) are not included in this challenge.
- Bicycles, skates, etc. are not allowed, but you are welcome to hike or run.
- Each lake must be circumnavigated "in one piece" unless special rules apply (see below in the descriptions of the lakes). This means that you are welcome to take breaks, but you should complete the lake within one day. Of course you can divide the 10 lakes into different days. Do only one lake per day, because you want to enjoy this time!
- The Iron Lake Challenge Italy has no time limit. This means that you can circumnavigate the ten lakes even over several years.
- We trust you that you have really circumnavigated the lakes. However, if you want to be included in the time ranking, we need a copy of your tracking. We don't care what you use (watch, smartphone or app).
- Please note that the Road Traffic Act applies in public traffic areas and along roads and cycle paths. So move considerately.
- You circumnavigate the lakes at your own risk and at your own risk. The operator of this website assumes no liability.
- Please heed medical advice if necessary or have a medical examination before the start of the Challenge. You are responsible for your own health, equipment and condition. Breaking off a tour is not a disgrace, health always comes first!
A few important rules for dealing with nature during your lake tour:
- Please take into account the local instructions for the protection of nature.
- Please do not go off the trails.
- Please do not make noise.
- Please do not collect rocks or minerals.
- Please do not collect mushrooms.
- Please do not leave trash lying around.
- Please do not feed animals.
- Please do not make an open fire.
- Please do not pick plants.
This should be obvious to all of us, but it doesn't hurt to remember it from time to time.
Registration and scope of services
The Anmeldung zur Iron Lake Challenge Italien will cost you 24,- EUR.
In this entry fee is our Iron Lake Challenge "Italia Edition" collector medal and the green marble (35mm) of the Timeless Challenge .
However, for this you first have to go around the ten largest lakes in Italy! Only then we will send you the well-deserved medal and marble! After all, you want to earn them and not get them as a gift.
How to register:
- Please click on the logo and you will be redirected to the registration page of our partner Digistore24
- You will now receive a registration confirmation
- Now you have to walk around the ten largest lakes in Italy. Once you have completed the ten lakes, please send us an excerpt of your tracking as proof. We will believe you even without tracking, but then you will not be included in the Iron Lake Museum List.
- After we have checked this, you will receive your well-deserved medal and marble. Easy, isn't it?
Your medal and your marble
If you've walked around Italy's ten largest lakes, then you've earned the beautiful Iron Lake Challenge "Italia Edition"Medal earned. This can be the first in your upcoming collection from the Iron Lake Challenge.

Life Score points and the Timeless marble
The Iron Lake Challenge is part of our Timeless Challenge. Therefore, you deserve (in addition to the collector's medal) the marble in green (health/sport). This will also be sent to you. The marble will have a diameter of 35mm.
You earn with your performance 500 Life Score points. We will send you these (if you want them) by email. This service is free of charge for you.
The ten largest lakes in Italy
Es ist nicht ganz einfach, die zehn größten Seen Italiens herauszufinden. Auf der einen Seite grenzen ein Teil der großen, norditalienischen Seen an Nachbarländer (z.B. der Lago Maggiore) und sind somit keine reinen italienischen Seen, zum anderen gibt es in Italien Lagunen (z.B. Lesina) die zwar sehr ähnlich eines Sees sind, aber dann doch kein „echter“ See, da sie eher ein Teil des Meeres sind. Und dann gibt es noch die großen, künstlichen Stauseen. Deren Größe variiert mit dem Wasserstand und Manche können nicht (oder nur sehr weitläufig) umrundet werden (z.B. Lago Coghinas).
For this reason, we have chosen the following lakes:
Lake Garda
Der auch in Deutschland sehr beliebte Gardasee ist der größte See Italiens. Sein Name war in der Antike „Lacus Benacus„, nach einer Gottheit mit dem Namen „Benacus„. Für eine Umrundung des Gardasees musst Du 158 Kilometer zurücklegen. Dafür hast Du jedoch fünf Tage Zeit, denn Du sollst ja auch genießen und nicht nur hetzen. Gönn Dir also viele Pausen und genieße dieses Juwel Norditaliens.
Suggestions for tours around Lake Garda
Lake Como
ake Como, located in Lombardy, is world famous and especially popular with the rich and beautiful. So it can happen that you meet one or the other celebrity during your tour around the lake. Its typical shape (inverted ypsilon) can be found on many postcards.
To get around it, you have to cover about 170 kilometers of shoreline and climb a few meters in altitude. But you have five days to do it, and it's worth it!
Suggested tours to circumnavigate the Lake Como:
Lake Trasimeno
Lago di Trasimeno (Trasimeno Lake) is the largest lake of the Apennine Peninsula and is located in the Umbria region, west of Perugia. It is surrounded by mountains up to 600 meters high and exudes Mediterranean feeling.
The lake is a popular recreation area with beaches, campsites and barbecue areas. A circumnavigation of the lake requires about 65 kilometers. But you have two days to do it
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating Lake Trasimeno:
Lake Bolsena
Der Bolsenasee befindet sich in etwa 90 Kilometer nördlich von Rom, in der Region Viterbo (Latium). Die namensgebende Stadt Bolsena befindet sich im Norden des Sees. Er liegt in der sogenannten „Apparato Vulsinio„, einer ehemals vulkanisch aktiven Zone. Seine fast kreisrunde Form ist gut zu erklären, da er eine Caldera mit seinem Wasser ausfüllt.
For a circumnavigation you have to plan between 60 and 65 kilometers (depending on the tour). You have two days for this.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating Lake Bolsena:
Lake Iseo
Der in den lombardischen Provinzen Brescia und Bergamo gelegene Iseosee gehört zu den großen Seen Oberitaliens. Ich fand es sehr interessant, dass die Inseln „di Loreto“ und „Santo Paolo“ im Privatbesitz der Familie „Beretta“ (manche kennen sie als berühmter Waffenhersteller) befinden.
To circumnavigate Lake Iseo on foot, you have about 69 kilometers of shoreline ahead of you. You have two days for this.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating Lake Iseo:
Lake Bracciano
Der Braccianosee ist (ähnlich wie der Bolsenasee) fast kreisrund und liegt ca. 30 Kilometer nördlich der „ewigen Stadt“ Rom, also auch im Latium. Er wird von den Sabatiner Bergen umschlossen, welche vulkanischen Ursprungs sind, genau wie die Caldera die das Wasser des Sees umschließt.
If you want to walk around Lake Bracciano, 33 kilometers of shoreline await you.
Suggested itineraries for circumnavigating Lake Bracciano:
Lake Orta
Lake Orta is located in the upper Italian province of Verban-Cusio-Ossol, about 20 kilometers west of the famous Lake Maggiore and is the westernmost, of the Italian glacial lakes. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides.
Depending on the route you choose to circumnavigate Lake Orta, you should expect to cover about 45 kilometers. Because of the mountains you will not always be directly on the shore of the lake.
Suggested itineraries for circumnavigating Lake Orta:
Lake Varese
Lago di Varese is also a northern Italian lake in Lombardy and is located near the famous Lake Maggiore to the west of the town of the same name, Varese. The shores are densely wooded and sparsely populated. The only village that lies directly on the lake is Biandronno.
f you want to go around Lago di Varese, you have to cover about 28 kilometers. The great view of this beautiful lake compensates for the asphalt section.
Suggested itineraries for circumnavigating Lago di Varese:
Lake Omodeo
Italy also includes the beautiful island of Sardinia. Here is one of the largest lakes in Italy, Lago Omodeo, the largest reservoir in Sardinia. This huge reservoir has alleviated the chronic water shortage of the island. This lake will challenge you, because its circumnavigation requires about 53 kilometers from you.
Suggested tour to circumnavigate Lake Omodeo:
Unfortunately, we could not find a tour suggestion, but we created a footpath ourselves via Google Maps:
Lake Campotosto
Lago Campotosto is also a large reservoir of Italy. It is located at an altitude of 1313 meters in Abruzzo in the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park. It is famous for its beautiful view and intact nature. To go around this lake you have to count with about 39 kilometers of shore.
Suggested itinerary to circumnavigate Lago Campotosto:
We didn't find a tour proposal for Lago Campotosto either, so we created one ourselves:
The Iron Lake Challenge on social media
We would be happy if you share pictures, videos and your experiences around the Iron Lake Challenge with others. For this purpose we provide you with the following hashtags:
- #ironlakechallenge
- #ironlakechallengeitalia
- #timelesschallenge
The Iron Lake Challenge on Facebook
Of course we also invite you to join our Facebook group "Iron Lake Challenge Discussion Board".