The world's lakes are some of the most beautiful places on our planet and time spent on their shores is precious. Have you ever toyed with the idea of walking around the world's most beautiful lakes and starting in your home country? Then you found with Iron Lake Challenge just the right challenge!
With the Iron Lake Challenge, we want to encourage you to spend a good time in the fresh air, get some exercise and get to know the most beautiful lakes in the world.
Combine your openness to new things, love of sport and travel and become a worldwide Iron Lake Runner/Hiker. You will collect valuable life moments and spend quality time in nature.
We use the majority of the proceeds from the entry fees to finance new tree seedlings for the worldwide reforestation of forests! Our ”Why“ is to protect or replant one million trees worldwide.
How does the Iron Lake Challenge work?
You will find below an overview of all currently possible Iron Lake Challenges . With the IronLake WORLD Challenge you can circumnavigate all lakes worldwide to earn the coveted collector's medal. On the respective ”Local Lake Challenge" pages you will find the lakes that you have to walk around to complete the challenge. You have as much time as you want from the time you register, because you should enjoy yourself and not rush. Basically, the Iron Lake Challenge is structured in such a way that you have to circumnavigate the ten largest lakes in an area. However, from time to time it may be "just" one large lake. Let yourself be surprised!
- Pick the Iron Lake Challenge that's right for you and sign up for it.
- Go around each lake and track your performance.
- Upload a copy of your tracking into our tool or send it to us by email and we will send you the respective Iron Lake Challenge medal, the matching marble of the Timeless Challenge as well as the written out life score points. The beautifully designed medals are real collector's items and an ornament for every medal board.
Iron Lake WORLD Challenge
In the Iron Lake WORLD Challenge, you can circle lakes all over the world to achieve one of the coveted collector's medals “ILC WORLD50”, “ILC WORLD100” or the queen among the medals, the “ILC WORLD1000”. However, the lake must have a shoreline length of at least two kilometers.
Iron Lake Micro Challenges
There are lakes that are large and beautiful and yet cannot be included in one of the Iron Lake Challenges because, for example, they touch several national borders. A good example is Lake Constance. It has 270 kilometers of shoreline, but borders Germany, Austria and Switzerland and therefore cannot be assigned to an Iron Lake country challenge.
This is exactly why we have developed the "Iron Lake Micro Challenges". These are special lake jewels that don't fit into any other Iron Lake Challenge, but are still well worth a ride around.
The collector's medals will be slightly smaller (5 cm in diameter), but are also beautifully designed and will adorn any well-stocked medal board. Iron Lake Mirco Challenges are tough and will challenge you!
The Rules
What means Circumnavigation?
A lake must be circumnavigated once on foot. You should therefore end at the exact point where you started. You are not allowed to use any aids such as a bicycle. Shortcuts by boat are of course also not permitted and you are not allowed to enter protected areas. However, this should be clear. If you are circling a lake for which you may take several days, please start after the break exactly at the point where you left off the day before.
What does the time say?
You have as much time as you need to complete your chosen Iron Lake Challenge. The date of your registration counts as the start. It doesn't matter how long you need for the circumnavigation of the respective lake, but you should do it "in one piece", i.e. contiguously (on one day per lake). An exception are of course the big lakes which can only be circumnavigated in multi-day tours. We will be happy to include you in the scoring table, but this is optional. It's more about the compass, rather than the clock 😉
So you have unlimited time to complete the Iron Lake Challenge. You should enjoy and not rush!
You can register on our site and then participate in the selected Iron Lake Challenge. Only after prior registration the lakes you run around count as completed and only if you are registered you will receive your well-deserved medal in case of success. Timeless Marble and the life score points.
The medals
We put a lot of emphasis on offering collector medals with high recognition value. The goal is that you can run Iron Lake Challenges all over the world and get the respective collector's medal with the little feature in the medal graphic everywhere. These will look the same except for the local feature, so you will have a high recognition value on your medal board.
Our medals have a diameter of 7cm, so they are quite impressive.
Your Iron Lake Challenges
Di seguito troverete varie sfide di Iron Lake. Pubblicheremo almeno una nuova sfida ogni mese, quindi rimanete sintonizzati. Abbiamo pubblicato la prima Iron Lake Challenge nel dicembre 2022 nella splendida Baviera!
WORLD - Circumnavigate wonderful lakes worldwide with the Iron Lake WORLD Challenge
Germany - Iron Lake Challenges in Germany
Italy - Iron Lake Challenge Italy
Austria - Iron Lake Challenge Austria
Iron Lake Austria (ca. 325km) | Iron Lake Challenge MICRO – Bodensee (ca. 270km) | Iron Lake Challenge Oberösterreich | Iron Lake Challenge Salzburg |
Iron Lake Challenge Kärnten | Iron Lake Challenge Steiermark |
Polen – Iron Lake Challenge Polen
Switzerland - Iron Lake Challenge Switzerland
Iron Lake Challenge Switzerland (ca. 560km) | Iron Lake Challenge MICRO – Bodensee (ca. 270km) |
Spanien – Iron Lake Challenge Spanien
Tschechische Republik – Iron Lake Challenge Tschechische Republik
Iron Lake Challenge Czech Republic (ca. 400km) |
The Iron Lake Challenge “Life Lake Museum"
If you have already successfully completed several Iron Lake Challenges, you can see how many lakes you have already circumnavigated worldwide and how many Life Score points you have already collected.
If you want to appear in this table, you have to enter your results in the honor roll of your respective Iron Lake Challenge.
We have taken the liberty of presenting a few products related to the Iron Lake Challenge in our Shop anzubieten und hoffen, sie gefallen Dir! |
Frequently asked questions about the Iron Lake Challenge (faq's)
"What are the Life Score Points and how they are calculated?" - You are credited with one Life Score Point for every ten kilometers you cover. This means that for a lake with 20 kilometers you will receive 2 Life Score Points, for 30 kilometers 3 LSP's etc. The number of Life Score Points determines your position on the "Honor Roll" of your chosen Iron Lake Challenge and in the "Life Lake Museum". While the honor roll only shows the points of the respective challenge, you will find your total Life Score Points achieved in all challenges so far in the Life Lake Museum. For example, if you have completed the ILC Bavaria and Hesse, the Life Lake Museum would show the Life Score Points earned in both challenges.
"How long do I have time to circle the ten lakes?" - There is no time limit. This means that in extreme cases you can even take several years. Our motto is "Enjoy and don't rush"! We have participants who circumnavigate one or two lakes every vacation, others take two weeks off and do all ten lakes during this time. Both are possible.
"Iron Lake Challenge as a gift?" - With the Iron Lake Challenge you can give the gift of time together to people who are close to your heart. If you would like to give away a start for the Iron Lake Challenge, please register the recipient with their details (name, address) and YOUR email address. You will then receive confirmation and we will have the correct data in the system so that we can send the medal.
"Where do I send my tracking copies?" If you have circumnavigated a lake, you can use our upload tool to upload your tracking on the info page of your respective Iron Lake Challenge. You can find the links to the respective challenges here. This way you will also be credited with your Life Score points. Of course you can also send us the proofs by e-mail at, but then please only once, after you have circumnavigated your last lake.
The Iron Lake Challenge in the media
I am very pleased that the Iron Lake Challenge is well received in the media and I am very grateful for any positive coverage. I have prepared a small excerpt of media coverage for you here.
Februar 2023 – HALLO Nachbar! "Mit vielen Schritten ans Ziel"
Das sagen die Gäste der Iron Lake Challenge (Kundenstimmen)
Ein toller Anreiz mit herrlichen Erlebnissen
Hallo, wir haben nun Niedersachsen fast geschafft und viele tolle Wanderungen erlebt, auf die wir sonst nicht gekommen wären. Nun denken wir schon über die Nachbarbundesländer nach.
Eine Anregung:
Könntet Ihr jeweils eine Karte des Bundeslandes mit den markierten Seen einstellen? Das würde allen die Reisepanung erleichtern.
Bereits gegangene Umrundungen
ich bin am Überlegen, ob ich mich zur iLC Bayern anmelden soll. Könntet ihr mir bitte kurz mitteilen, ob die Seen, die ich bereits in den letzten zwei Monaten ohne Challenge selbst und alleine umrundet habe, auch dazu zählen. Oder müsste ich diese Seen nach der Anmeldung nochmals gehen? Damit alle zehn nach dem anmelden gegangen wurden? Vielen Dank für eine kurze Rückmeldung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Bayerns Seen
Die wohl beste Entscheidung an der „ Iron Lake Challenge Bayern “teilzunehmen. Dies ist „ Kein Wettkampf “es geht hier nicht um Bestzeiten ,sondern dem Spaß an der Bewegung in der Natur bei jedem Wetter. ☀️🌦️🌧️❄️
Das schöne daran ist, das man auch noch was gutes für die Umwelt macht. 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳
Meine Challenge startete bereits ende Februar, ich habe sie daher schon als einer der ersten beendet. 🙋♂️
Danke Uwe Kauntz
Super Idee, super umgesetzt.
Es hat riesigen Spass gemacht die 10 Seen in NRW zu umrunden. Eine tolle Idee und mit der Teilnahme unterstützt man auch noch etwas sehr Gutes… und dann noch der erste zu sein der die Challenge beendet hat ist für mich auch noch etwas besonderes.
Ironlake Challenge Bavaria
Eine tolle Sache für einen guten Zweck und obendrein noch etwas für die Fitness getan!
Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen sich der Herausforderung zu stellen, man kann eigentlich nur gewinnen!
Danke an Uwe für diese Idee!
Hallo, wo könnte man sich anmelden? Finde es leider nicht.
Wielange hat man Zeit für die zehn Seen? Ganze 2023?
Danke für eure Antwort.
Hallo Kerstin,
vielen Dank für Deine Nachricht. Die Iron Lake Challenge Bayern (Anmeldung) findest Du unter
Liebe Grüße,
Ich möchte mich gerne für Iron Lake Challenge Bavaria anmelden.
Hallo Melanie,
Du kannst Dich HIER für die Iron Lake Challenge Bavaria anmelden. Ich denke jedoch, dass Du den Link bereits gefunden hast 😉
Ich wünsche Dir viel Freude und tolle Momente,