The world's lakes are some of the most beautiful places on our planet and time spent on their shores is precious. Have you ever toyed with the idea of walking around the world's most beautiful lakes and starting in your home country? Then you found with Iron Lake Challenge just the right challenge!
With the Iron Lake Challenge, we want to encourage you to spend a good time in the fresh air, get some exercise and get to know the most beautiful lakes in the world.
Combine your openness to new things, love of sport and travel and become a worldwide Iron Lake Runner/Hiker. You will collect valuable life moments and spend quality time in nature.
Mit dem Großteil der Einnahmen aus den Startgeldern finanzieren wir neue Baumsetzlinge für die weltweite Wiederaufforstung von Wäldern! Unser „Why“ ist es, eine Million Bäume weltweit zu schützen oder neu zu setzen.
How does the Iron Lake Challenge work?
You will find below an overview of all currently possible Iron Lake Challenges . With the IronLake WORLD Challenge kannst Du weltweit alle Seen umrunden um Dir die begehrte Sammlermedaille zu verdienen. Auf den jeweiligen „Local Lake Challenge“ Seiten findest Du die Seen die Du zu Fuß umrunden musst, um die Challenge zu bestehen. Du hast dafür ab dem Zeitpunkt Deiner Anmeldung so viel Zeit wie Du Dir nehmen möchtest, denn Du sollst genießen und nicht hetzen. Grundsätzlich ist die jeweilige Iron Lake Challenge so aufgebaut, dass Du die zehn größten Seen eines Gebietes umrunden musst. Es kommt jedoch ab und zu vor, dass es auch „nur“ ein großer See ist. Lass Dich überraschen!
- Pick the Iron Lake Challenge that's right for you and sign up for it.
- Go around each lake and track your performance.
- Upload a copy of your tracking into our tool or send it to us by email and we will send you the respective Iron Lake Challenge medal, the matching marble of the Timeless Challenge as well as the written out life score points. The beautifully designed medals are real collector's items and an ornament for every medal board.
Iron Lake WORLD Challenge
Bei der Iron Lake WORLD Challenge kannst Du überall auf der Welt Seen umrunden, damit Du eine der begehrten Sammlermedaillen „ILC WORLD50“, „ILC WORLD100“ oder die Königin unter den Medaillen, die „ILC WORLD1000“ erreichen kannst. Der See muss allerdings eine Uferlänge von mindestens zwei Kilometern haben.
Iron Lake Micro Challenges
There are lakes that are large and beautiful and yet cannot be included in one of the Iron Lake Challenges because, for example, they touch several national borders. A good example is Lake Constance. It has 270 kilometers of shoreline, but borders Germany, Austria and Switzerland and therefore cannot be assigned to an Iron Lake country challenge.
Genau dafür haben wir die „Iron Lake Micro Challenges“ geschaffen. Es handelt sich dabei um besondere Seen-Juwele die in keine andere Iron Lake Challenge passen, die es aber trotzdem wert sind umrundet zu werden.
The collector's medals will be slightly smaller (5 cm in diameter), but are also beautifully designed and will adorn any well-stocked medal board. Iron Lake Mirco Challenges are tough and will challenge you!
The Rules
What means Circumnavigation?
A lake must be circumnavigated once on foot. You should therefore end at the exact point where you started. You are not allowed to use any aids such as a bicycle. Shortcuts by boat are of course also not permitted and you are not allowed to enter protected areas. However, this should be clear. If you are circling a lake for which you may take several days, please start after the break exactly at the point where you left off the day before.
What does the time say?
Du hast so viel Zeit wie Du brauchst, um Deine gewählte Iron-Lake-Challenge zu erfüllen. Dabei zählt das Datum Deiner Anmeldung als Start. Wie lange Du im Einzelnen für die Umrundung des jeweiligen Sees brauchst ist egal, allerdings solltest Du dies „am Stück“, also zusammenhängend (an einem Tag pro See) tun. Eine Ausnahme bilden natürlich die großen Seen die nur in Mehrtagestouren umrundet werden können. Wir nehmen Dich gerne in die Wertungstabelle auf, diese ist jedoch optional. Es geht eher um den Kompass, als um die Uhr 😉
So you have unlimited time to complete the Iron Lake Challenge. You should enjoy and not rush!
You can register on our site and then participate in the selected Iron Lake Challenge. Only after prior registration the lakes you run around count as completed and only if you are registered you will receive your well-deserved medal in case of success. Timeless Marble and the life score points.
The medals
We put a lot of emphasis on offering collector medals with high recognition value. The goal is that you can run Iron Lake Challenges all over the world and get the respective collector's medal with the little feature in the medal graphic everywhere. These will look the same except for the local feature, so you will have a high recognition value on your medal board.
Our medals have a diameter of 7cm, so they are quite impressive.

Your Iron Lake Challenges
Di seguito troverete varie sfide di Iron Lake. Pubblicheremo almeno una nuova sfida ogni mese, quindi rimanete sintonizzati. Abbiamo pubblicato la prima Iron Lake Challenge nel dicembre 2022 nella splendida Baviera!
WORLD - Circumnavigate wonderful lakes worldwide with the Iron Lake WORLD Challenge
Germany - Iron Lake Challenges in Germany
Italy - Iron Lake Challenge Italy
Austria - Iron Lake Challenge Austria
Polen – Iron Lake Challenge Polen
Switzerland - Iron Lake Challenge Switzerland
![]() Iron Lake Challenge Switzerland (ca. 560km) | ![]() Iron Lake Challenge MICRO – Bodensee (ca. 270km) | ![]() Iron Lake Challenge MICRO – Lago Maggiore |
Spanien – Iron Lake Challenge Spanien
Tschechische Republik – Iron Lake Challenge Tschechische Republik
![]() Iron Lake Challenge Czech Republic (ca. 400km) |
Die Iron Lake Challenge „Life Lake Museum„
If you have already successfully completed several Iron Lake Challenges, you can see how many lakes you have already circumnavigated worldwide and how many Life Score points you have already collected.