If you buy as little packaging as possible, then less packaging ends up in the trash. Of course, less waste ends up in our oceans and in our nature. In addition, a lot of energy and CO2 is saved in the production and disposal of this packaging. Welcome to the Reusable Challenge!
We are not naïve and know that going waste-free is a process that starts slowly in your mind and habits and needs to find its way into all of us as a society. If we get used to buying packaging-free, then the economy will "get used" to packaging-free products, because otherwise it will cost them money.
Old habits must be broken, new habits must be formed, the mind must be reset, and there is much to learn. Of course, this also applies to packaging-free shopping. In nature, by the way, the issue of "garbage" is not one at all. We humans are the only species that produces garbage. Well, at least garbage that doesn't go back into the natural cycle because it's not degradable.
It's definitely a challenge and you have to approach your goal slowly. But that's where this Challenge is designed to help you! Not only do you have to take out the trash less often, but (if you take this challenge consistently) you also get valuable Life Score points in the "Environment" area (blue marble).
This challenge is also a part of the Timeless Challenge!
I believe that every person can change the world with their actions! Make your life through meaningful actions (challenges) to something special and lasting! Make yourself immortal!
We want to plant one million trees worldwide without begging for donations!Uwe Kauntz
A new challenge every Monday! Stay informed!
- Instagram: @timeless_challenge
- Facebook: Rockyourgoal
- Twitter: @goal_rock
How does the Reusable Challenge work?
For 30 days, you take the time to discard old shopping habits and develop new ones and slowly learn how you can live more waste-free. It's not about going without packaging right away, but about buying less and less packaging and becoming aware of where you can save waste. The goal after these 30 days is that you feel safe and are able to reduce waste and live your life without (or with significantly less) waste.
And it is not about being perfect but about doing the best you can under the circumstances. It's not about punishments for failures! We are here to celebrate the successes, even with life score points! You can do it!
And we give you a few suggestions that you can implement directly in your everyday life. Even if you can't/won't implement all of them, you'll still make progress and save waste.
ou have to be honest with yourself, because only YOU decide whether you have improved in your consumption behavior. If you are of the opinion that you have, then you have also Life-Score Points .
Life Score points for the Reusable Challenge
For every month you get better and better at saving packaging you get 50 Life-Score Points! But this also applies to the time after that, if you continue to maintain your habits and still make sure to save waste.
Marble(s) for the Reusable Challenge
For the Reusable Challenge you can get the beautiful marble(s) in blue. These have the following size:
- 50 Life Score Points - One blue marble with a diameter of 20mm
If you want to have the marble(s), then we are very grateful for a monetary coffee. You decide the amount. However, please note that we have about 1.20 EUR postage costs. The rest of our coffee fund goes to reforestation Trees4Breeze as well as for the further development of the Timeless Challenge.
Please fill out the form below and write the amount for the marble(s) in the free text field "How much was the challenge worth to you?".
How can you participate?
- Melde Dich kurz bei uns mit dem unten stehenden Formular an (zumindest wenn Du Interesse an den Murmeln hast), ansonsten kannst Du einfach so mitmachen. Beides ist gut für Dich und Deine Liebsten
- Nun musst Du die Challenge bewältigen. Du passt Dein Einkaufsverhalten für mindestens 30 Tage an.
- Once you have completed this challenge, you must fill out the form below again, but this time let us know that you have completed the challenge. We will get back to you!
- If you post your pictures regarding the challenge on Instagram, Twitter, etc. anyway, then tag us @timeless_challenge and add the appropriate hashtag (see below).
How can you save waste?
We have created here a small suggestion how you can start saving waste. They are only suggestions, but their implementation will make a difference!
No disposable plastic bags, water bottles or coffee cups
Take reusable bags with you when you go shopping this week and the weeks after. Consistently ban disposable shopping bags from your life. Have you forgotten them anyway? Just carry your groceries in your arms if the amount is small enough.
Take reusable bags with you when you go shopping this week and the weeks after. Consistently ban disposable shopping bags from your life. Have you forgotten them anyway? Just carry your groceries in your arms if the amount is small enough.
This is the easiest step to waste reduction, a no-brainer that you may already have mastered.
Take a reusable water bottle and coffee mug with you every day so you can stay hydrated and caffeinated on the go without relying on disposable cups.
No more water from disposable plastic bottles and no more coffee from disposable coffee cups!
No disposable straws
From now on there are no more disposable straws!
This is sometimes harder than it sounds. It's actually hard to break the habit, especially because waiters automatically stick a straw in your drink and you quickly sip it for a second before you realize it.
You have to get into the habit of telling the service staff (especially in fast food chains) from the start that you don't want a straw, otherwise you'll get one. Fortunately, the main fast food chains are changing anyway and you don't automatically get a straw with your meal.
Plastic-free grocery shopping
It's time to stop buying (or buy much less) plastic-wrapped food and fill your kitchen cabinets and fridge with food that is as plastic-free as possible. Ok that sounds hard, it is! But again, it's the process that counts. For example, you start to consciously buy only vegetables that are not packaged in plastic, then fruit, then meat and so it goes on and on.
When shopping, avoid anything packaged in plastic as much as possible and buy food in your own containers as often as possible.
Make a habit of buying products in glass rather than plastic packaging (we also always choose products in large glass containers as these can be reused for bulk purchases and storing food or cleaning products such as washing powder), and find out where you can buy in bulk and waste-free in your area.
Go to markets, small delis and bakeries, local wholesalers or co-ops rather than large supermarkets because it's much easier to get package-free food there, and you're much more likely to be able to bring your own containers.
It will take time, but you will find out what you can afford and where to get the unpackaged products.
Did we scare you now? You have no garden and only a balcony? Are you supposed to put a compost there now? No, of course not!
This is actually about waste separation. Food waste can now be disposed of almost everywhere in Germany either in a bio garbage can or at special sites. There they are then composted.
However, this is not just about food waste but about separating paper, plastic, food waste and other recyclables. The point is that certain materials can be reused.
A takeaway meal without waste
Take-out food, no matter where you buy it, usually creates a lot of waste. That's why it's generally better to cook at home or eat at a restaurant to avoid the mountain of disposables that come with ordering takeout. But, of course, this is a matter of money (especially when eating out).
But sometimes you need or want to take your food with you, and that's when it's good to know how to cut down on waste.
Delivery is not an option; you must pick up the food yourself, as this is the only way to bring your own container.
To be successful, make sure your container is the right size and fits the food. Call ahead and ask if it is okay to bring your own container.
Bathroom changes
Now it's the bathroom's turn! Here, too, you can save packaging and waste, even if it takes a little more research and effort.
If you run out of a cosmetic product and a replacement would come in plastic packaging, replace it with an eco-friendly alternative. For example, there is reusable or compostable packaging. As I said, certainly not for every product, but the greater the demand becomes, the more likely there will be an appropriate supply in the future.
Deodorants in a spray can can be replaced by a deodorant paste, toothbrushes can also be made of wood, plastic razors can be replaced by steel razor blades, etc.
This decluttering of the bathroom can take some time, but it's worth it.
Clean in a natural way
As with your cosmetics, you should look for more sustainable, packaging-free alternatives for your cleaning routine once you run out of the products you've been using.
Again, avoid buying products in plastic packaging first and foremost, and buy in your own containers (whenever possible), such as laundry powder in a glass jar or the box your previous laundry powder came in, and multi-purpose cleaning products in a reusable spray bottle.
Enjoy a waste free weekend
A waste-free life requires more effort when you're on the road! When traveling, you're far away from the big-box stores and friendly local merchants you've come to know and love over the past few weeks.
Plus, when you're on vacation, you're much more relaxed, and it's much easier to let all the good routines you've built up fall by the wayside.
But you don't have to do anything differently, you just have to implement everything you've learned and accomplished in every challenge so far.
Of course, it's not easy, especially abroad, but just do your best and do it consciously. A lot has already been gained.
How can you participate in the Reusable Challenge?
Read our tips and start implementing them. After each month that you have made progress, write to us and tell us about it. We will send you the Life Score pouches.
The Reusable Challenge in Social Media
Ok here's where it really pays off to share on social media. You learn new ideas and inspire more people to join in. That's how this challenge works best.
Die Reusable Challenge in Facebook
We invite you to join our group "Our Planet" in Facebook.
#timelesschallenge (show that you like the idea)
We have done some research and found reusable everyday products from different areas of life that you can order directly. Please see this only as a suggestion. With a little creativity you can find much more here.
Cosmetic products reusable.
Cosmetic products such as make-up removal pads, silicone bottles for storing shower gel, detergent or even reusable cotton pads offer a lot of potential for avoiding waste. And there are very good solutions that can be washed.
Recyclable kitchen consumables
In the kitchen, we also use up items like freezer bags, baking paper, and even straws. But here, too, there are great solutions for saving waste through recycling.