Learning to do the splits can have many benefits for you, which is why we created the Strechy Splits Challenge. It's about learning to do the splits in 365 days. If you are a regular yoga, martial arts or ballet dancer, then this is an easy challenge for you, but if you come from a sport where the movement pattern is rather monotonous, then a year is quite demanding. The fact is, however, that a balancing act is doable for most people within a year with regular exercise.
But it is not about the exercise "splits". We see learning to do the splits more as a way to increase mobility and flexibility in your body. You should (and that's what this challenge is for) recognize physical imbalances and bring your body into a healthy balance through regular stretching.
The fact that you will eventually be able to do the splits is a nice and valuable "by-product" of your efforts.
Rules of the Strechy Splits Challenge
The rules are very simple. You start with your stretching exercises and get the well-deserved Life Score points as soon as you can do a split. This can last a maximum of 365 days.
A new challenge every Monday! Stay informed!
- Instagram: @timeless_challenge
- Facebook: Rockyourgoal
- Twitter: @goal_rock
Life Score Points and Marbles in the Strechy Splits Challenge
As soon as you can do the splits you will get 50 Life-Score Points. You will also get this if you were able to do the splits before, because then you have already had the effort in the past.
But you get not only the life score points but also the beautiful marble in green (health) with a diameter of 20mm.
How can you join the Strechy Splits Challenge?
- Register on this page! Once registered, you can take part in all our challenges with this account.
- Nun heißt es Spagat trainieren!
- Wenn Du das geschafft hast, füll bitte das Formular unten aus und lade ein Bild von Dir im Spagat hoch und Du bekommst von uns (kostenlos) die Murmel und die Life-Score Punkte gutgeschrieben. Easy, oder?
Eine genaue Beschreibung des Tools findest Du in unserem Booklet
Formular zum Erfassen Deines Ergebnisses
Ehrentabelle Strechy Splits
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Die Strechy Splits Challenge in Social Media
Such a challenge brings quick results that you can proudly show. We also offer you opportunities for this.
Die Strechy Splits Challenge auf Facebook
We invite you to join our group for an informal exchange about this challenge. Sport and health in Facebook.
- #timelesschallenge (show that you like this challenge)
- #tcstrechysplits