Umrunde die zehn größten Seen Nordrhein-Westfalens mit dem Fahrrad und hol Dir die Bike Lake Challenge Sammlermedaille in der Edition „North Rhine-Westphalia„. Erlebe
- die Schönheit wenn Urbanes auf Natur trifft an den Ufern der Seen
- wunderbare Lebensmomente, verbunden mit gesunder Bewegung
- wie intensiv Du auf dem Fahrrad die Natur erlebst
Registration and scope of services
- Please click on the logo and you will be redirected to the registration page of our partner Digistore24
- You will now receive a registration confirmation
- Nun musst Du um die zehn größten Seen NRW´s mit dem Fahrrad umrunden. Sobald Du das geschafft hast, lade bitte einen Auszug Deines Trackings in unser Tool oder schick ihn uns per Email. Wir glauben Dir auch ohne Tracking, allerdings wirst Du dann nicht in die Bike-Lake-Museum-List aufgenommen.
- After we have checked this, you will receive your well-deserved medal and marble. Easy, isn't it?
Die Anmeldung zur Bike Lake Challenge NRW kostet Dich 24,- EUR.
In this entry fee is our Bike Lake Challenge “Nordrhein-Westfalen“ Edition Sammlermedaille and the green marble (20mm) of the Timeless Challenge .
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Allerdings musst Du für diese erst die zehn größten Seen NRW´s umrunden! Only then we will send you the well-deserved medal and marble! After all, you want to earn them and not get them as a gift.
With your registration fee you support my heart project, the Reforestation of one million trees worldwide!

The rules for Bike Lake Challenge Nordrhein-Westfalen are very simple. Nevertheless, we would like to clarify them once again at this point:
- Melde Dich bei der Bike Lake Challenge NRW an!
- Um die Bike Lake Challenge Nordrhein-Westfalen zu bezwingen und Dir die schöne Sammlermedaille zu verdienen, musst Du nach Deiner Anmeldung die zehn unten genannten Seen mit dem Fahrrad umrunden.
- Each lake must be circumnavigated "in one piece". This means that you are welcome to take breaks, but you should complete the lake within one day. Of course, you can divide the 10 lakes into different days. Do only one lake per day, because you want to enjoy this time!
- We trust you that you have really circumnavigated the lakes. However, if you want to be included in the time ranking, we need a copy of your tracking. We don't care what you use (watch, smartphone or app).
- Please note that the Road Traffic Act applies in public traffic areas and along roads and cycle paths. So move considerately.
- You circumnavigate the lakes at your own risk and at your own risk. The operator of this website assumes no liability.
- Please heed medical advice if necessary or have a medical examination before the start of the Challenge. You are responsible for your own health, equipment and condition. Breaking off a tour is not a disgrace, health always comes first!
Ein paar wichtige Regeln zum Umgang mit der Natur
- Please take into account the local instructions for the protection of nature.
- Bitte nicht abseits der Wege fahren.
- Please do not make noise.
- Please do not collect rocks or minerals.
- Please do not collect mushrooms.
- Please do not leave trash lying around.
- Please do not feed animals.
- Please do not make an open fire.
- Please do not pick plants.
This should be obvious to all of us, but it doesn't hurt to remember it from time to time.
Deine Medaille und Deine Murmel und die Life-Score Punkte
Wenn Du die zehn größten Seen Nordrhein-Westfalens mit dem Fahrrad umrundet hast, dann hast Du Dir die wunderschöne Bike Lake Challenge “NRW Edition” Medaille verdient. Diese kann die Erste, in Deiner kommenden Sammlung aus der Bike Lake Challenge werden. Hinzu kommt, dass Du für 20 zurückgelegte Kilometer jeweils einen Life-Score Punkt für die Ehrentabelle und unser Life Lake Museum der Timeless Challenge erhältst.

The ten largest lakes in North Rhine-Westphalia
Möhnetalsperre (Möhnesee)
The Möhne Reservoir is a 930.7 hectare lake in the wonderful Möhne Valley region and a popular recreation spot for day trippers. The circumnavigation of the Möhne lake is about 37 kilometers long, so quite a challenge. But many barbecue sites, swimming spots and beautiful nature await you.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating the Möhne lake
In the middle of the Ebbegebirge Nature Park lies the Biggesee, a popular recreational area. Large areas of the lake shore (as well as the Gilberg Island) are protected. For the circumnavigation of the Biggesee you have to reckon with about 33 kilometers.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating the Biggesee:
Rurtalsperre (Rurtalstausee)
The Rur dam, built in 1938, dams up the Rur in the border area between the city region of Aachen and the district of Düren to form the 7.83 km² Rur reservoir. Depending on which tour you choose, between 25 and 43 (with the upper lake) kilometers await you.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating the Rurtal reservoir:
Große Dhünntalsperre
The Great Dhünn Dam is fed by the Dhünn River and is the second largest drinking water dam in Germany after the Rappbode Dam. To go around it you have to calculate with about 24 kilometers.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating the Great Dhünn Dam:
Der südwestlich von Arnsberg gelegene Sorpestaudamm staut das Wasser der Sorpe zum Sorpesee, dem tiefsten Stausee im Sauerland. Doch der Sorpesee ist nicht nur tief, sondern auch groß. Die Umrundung startet meistens in der Ortschaft Amecke. Der Rundweg ist mit einem weißen „S“ im Kreis auf schwarzem Grund beschildert und beträgt in etwa 16 Kilometer.
Suggestions for tours around the Sorpe Lake:
Haltener Stausee
Der Haltener Stausee bietet Radfahrern auf seinem 20 km Rundweg beautiful lake views as well as idyllic viewing and Resting places. Although its size is not overwhelming, it provides water for about one million people.
Tour suggestions for going around the Halten Reservoir:
Lake Baldeney was already dammed in 1931 as a water reservoir and for the purification of the Ruhr water, is as the largest of the Rur reservoirs today a recreational area for many people in the region. To walk around it you have to calculate with about 15 kilometers.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating Lake Baldeney:
The Urft dam was already built from 1900 to 1905, which created the Urft reservoir, as the largest European reservoir at that time. It is located directly above the upper lake (main foreland of the Rur reservoir), and extends in the Eifel National Park, which is framed by the borders of the High Fens - Eifel Nature Park. For a circumnavigation of the Urftsee you have to reckon with about 12 kilometers.
Suggestions for tours around the Lake Urftsee:
Die Wupper-Talsperre wurde 1982 zum Zwecke der „Niedrigwasseraufhöhung, dem Hochwasserschutz der Wupper und der Wasserkrafterzeugung“ gebaut, doch die meisten Menschen nutzen sie heute in ihrer Freizeit als Naherholungsgebiet. Wanderwege, Radwege, Rastplätze, Ferienhaussiedlungen und ein Bootshafen für Segel- und Ruderboote machen sie zu einem beliebten Magneten für Erholungssuchende. Wenn Du sie umrunden möchtest, dann musst Du ca. 11 Kilometer bewältigen.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating the Wuppertal Reservoir:
Die Wiehltalsperre ist von Wald eingerahmt ein Naturparadies, reich an Wasser, Wald und Wanderwegen. Eine Umrundung bedeutet ungefähr 20 Kilometer. Wir wissen jedoch, dass manche Wege gesperrt sind. Bisher haben wir nur die weitläufige Umrundung (33km) als Tour gefunden.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating the Wiehl dam
Here you can quickly and easily enter your results and upload the evidence (e.g. screen copy of your tracking). We check them and approve them. Then your result is saved and appears in the honor roll.
Instructions for the Challenge Tool
This is how our honor board works
- Register on our site
- Select the lake you are circling under "Lake"
- Enter the distance you have covered (in meters) under "Length (in m)"
- Enter the required time (in minutes) under "Time needed (in min).
- Enter the date of your circumnavigation under "date"
- Now you can upload the evidence (e.g. a screenshot of your tracking) under "Upload proof (optional)"
- Now all you have to do is SAVE!
- We check your round and release it. Then you will see your result in the ranking.
Wir freuen uns, wenn Du Bilder, Videos und Deine Erfahrungen rund um die Bike Lake Challenge mit anderen teilst. Dafür stellen wir Dir die folgenden Hashtags zur Verfügung:
- #bikelakechallenge
- #bikelakechallengenrw
- #timelesschallenge
- #timelesschallenger
Of course we also invite you to join our Facebook group "Bike Lake Challenge Discussion Board".