Hast Du Lust auf eine kleine Spar-Challenge die echt Spaß macht? Dann mach mit bei „Weekly Savings“. Es geht darum, kleine Zeiträume (in diesem Fall eine Woche) zum konsequenten Sparen zu nutzen, aber gleichzeitig das „Große Ganze“ im Blick zu behalten.
The Weekly Savings Challenge is about learning the impact of regular savings over a small, manageable period of time. But it's also about learning to plan your finances realistically.
Your first goal in this challenge should be to reach your weekly savings goal. The more weeks you do this challenge, the bigger the amount you will save and maybe you will be able to fulfill a dream or lay the foundation for your financial freedom. However, there will be weeks in which you will not be able to reach the weekly savings amount. This can be, for example, the time of your vacation. But you can plan for that. So it's about perseverance, financial planning and consistency, and it's about having fun.
How does the Weekly Savings Challenge work?
- You would like to save some money every week. The amount should not be huge, but you know that the savings will accumulate and earn interest. But you also know that there will be weeks (e.g.: vacations, weeks with foreseeable special expenses, etc.) when it is unrealistic to save. So take a weekly calendar and mark in red all the weeks when you can't save. You can do this for a month in advance, but also for a quarter or even half a year. The point is to learn to be realistic about when you can save and to set realistic goals.
- Weekly Savings Challenge: The Weekly Savings Challenge starts on a Monday and you need a piggy bank for it. On Monday you put one euro in the piggy bank, on Tuesday two, Wednesday three etc. until the week is over. At the end of the week there are 28,- EUR in your piggy bank. Now your consistency is required. The amounts are not very high, but you must learn that saving has top priority for you.
This challenge is also a part of the Timeless Challenge!
I believe that every person can change the world with their actions! Make your life through meaningful actions (challenges) to something special and lasting! Make yourself immortal!
We want to plant one million trees worldwide without begging for donations!
Uwe Kauntz
Stay informed!
- Instagram: @timeless_challenge
- Facebook: Rockyourgoal
- Twitter: @goal_rock
Wochentag | Sparbetrag |
Montag | 1,- EUR |
Dienstag | 2,- EUR |
Mittwoch | 3,- EUR |
Donnerstag | 4,- EUR |
Freitag | 5,- EUR |
Samstag | 6,- EUR |
Sonntag | 7,- EUR |
If you saved 28 euros every week for a whole year, you would have 1,456 euros in your piggy bank at the end of the year. A really respectable amount, don't you think?
You can now invest this amount, build up a small emergency reserve or fulfill a dream. And you earn Life Score points every week you complete the challenge.
Life-Score Punkte for the Weekly Savings Challenge
For a successful savings week you earn 2 Life-Score Points. See how many weeks you can save in a year and write us the result. We will send you the Life Score points.
Für die „Weekly Savings“ Challenge kannst Du die wunderschöne Murmel in gelb bekommen. Die Größe hängt dabei von der Anzahl der erfolgreich besparten Wochen ab 😉 Wenn Du die Murmel(n) haben möchtest, dann lies bitte weiter ….
- Melde Dich bei der Timeless Challenge an!
- Registriere Dich (falls noch nicht geschehen) bei dieser Seite (klick auf diesen Satz)
- Spare eine Woche wie oben dargestellt
- Wenn Du es geschafft hast, dann füll bitte das untere Formular (nur sichtbar wenn Du registriert und angemeldet bist) aus. Wir schicken Dir die Murmel zu. Die Life Score Points werden Dir automatisch gutgeschrieben und im Life Museum ergänzt. Bitte schreibe Deine Lieferadresse in die „Notes“ im Formular.
The Weekly Savings Challenge in Social Media
If this challenge has helped you, or if you have any suggestions, questions or even tips, please feel free to use our social media channels
The Weekly Savings Challenge on Facebook
Du bist herzlich eingeladen zum Austausch in unserer Facebook Gruppe „Persönlichkeit“
- #timelesschallenge
- #tcweeklysavings
- #timelesschallenger