Minimalism is the art of making do with less and thus creating space for important things. It's about the fact that a person doesn't really need that much to be happy. In fact, you'll be happier if you have fewer things standing around, but ones you really love.
But minimalism goes much further. It is about conscious shopping, about contact with people who are important to you and it is about a purposeful life with meaning.
The Minimalism Challege is also about bringing calm to your home.
Stay informed!
- Instagram: @timeless_challenge
- Facebook: Rockyourgoal
- Twitter: @goal_rock
We want to plant one million trees worldwide without begging for donations!
Uwe (Initiator)
How does the Minimalism Challenge work?
Für diese Challenge brauchst Du nur etwas Selbstdisziplin. An 30 aufeinander folgenden Tagen bekommst Du kleine Tagesziele die es Dir erlauben mal in die Welt des „Minimalismus“ hineinzuschnuppern und die Vorteile in der Praxis zu spüren.
If you have completed these 30 daily tasks in one month, then you have truly earned the Life Score points. Write to us after the 30 days and we will send you the well-deserved Life Score points!
30 minimalism tasks in 30 days
- Day: Geh mit offenen Augen in jedes Zimmer Deiner Wohnung. Wirf alles weg was Du offensichtlich nicht mehr brauchst. Dazu gehören z.B. Kartons, Verpackungen, Tücher, ungeliebte Deko-Objekte, CD´s die Du sowieso nichtmehr hörst etc.
- Day: Heute geht es Deinem Schreibtisch an den Kragen. Räum ihn auf und wirf alles weg was Du nicht mehr brauchst. Sortiere lose Blätter in Ordner oder digitalisier sie (falls Du die Originale nicht mehr brauchst).
- Day: Today is Social Media Detox! Today the social media apps stay closed. Take a trip with your partner or friends.
- Day: Sortiere bitte alte Pflegeprodukte oder Schminksachen aus Deinem Bad aus. „Alt“ bedeutet übrigens, alles was Du seit zwei Monaten nicht mehr verwendet hast.
- Day: Try not to spend money today. Today you get by with what you already have.
- DayToday it's the kitchen's turn! Clear out all kitchen appliances and other utensils that you no longer need. These you can give away or sell (ebay classifieds etc.)
- Day: Do you still have old toys or games (Wii, Playstation etc.) that you no longer need? Get rid of them! Today you sell them or donate them.
- Day: „Eat the frog“ Day! Hast Du etwas rund um Deine Wohnung immer wieder verschoben? Heute wirst Du es erledigen.
- Day: Which magazines and books do you no longer need? Today you can sell them, give them away or throw them away.
- Day: : Sort out old, ugly or simply unworn shoes!
- Day: Use up the food you have. Look in your refrigerator and try today (and the next few days) to use up the food you already have. It's such a shame when they go bad and you already buy new.
- Day: Soziale Kontakte auf Social Media durchgehen und denen „entfolgen“ dessen Leben Dich wirklich nicht interessiert.
- Day: Break - Enjoy your day. Today you have no task.
- Day: Today it's your closet's turn. Sort out old, unattractive and unworn clothes!
- Day: Lösche Dich aus allen Newslettern heraus die Dich schon länger nerven! Schau mal in Deine „gelöschten Objekte“. Du wirst staunen wie viele man einfach „wegklickt“.
- Day: Look into your chat history on your smartphone and delete all unimportant ones completely (including media). You will see how much space you have at once again 🙂
- Day: Sort out today all the bags, cloth bags, bags and other bags that you will probably never use again anyway.
- Day: Dusting! Wipe the dust off all shelves and other surfaces today. Throw away everything that you need to dust, but means nothing to you.
- Day: Give away 5 things from your inventory to friends or family. It should be things that others can use, but mean nothing to you.
- Day: Get a rough overview of where you use the most plastic. Where can you save? Define an area that you will replace with reusable in the future.
- Day: Clean up your computer! Today please delete all data that are unnecessary. Sort documents and pictures into a clear system.
- Day: Today it's your car's turn. Clean it inside and clean up the glove compartment and the trunk. What can you dispose of everything?
- Day: Today it's your hobby's turn! Can you dispose of old hobby paraphernalia (sportswear, etc.)? Should you maybe even try something new? Dream a little bit!
- Day: Visit a second hand store near you and think about what you could buy here in the future without spending expensive money on a new acquisition.
- Day: Look around your home and think about where the products come from. Is there anything you can change in your consumption behavior?
- Day: Read a book about minimalism or visit a blog about minimalism and browse around. Get inspired!
- Day: Today it's your basement's turn! Since you get two days, take the basement and the garage (or the garden shed). Sort out everything that you manage in this short time and you no longer need.
- Day: See day 27
- Day: Grab a notebook and write down what you have learned in the last 28 days and what you want to keep.
- Day: Celebrate this month and send us an email to get your Life Score points.
Life Score points for the Minimalism Challenge
If you have completed the 30 days you can be proud of yourself! You have enriched your life with new experiences. You earned 50 Life-Score Points !
Murmeln für die Minimalismus Challenge
For the Minimalism Challenge, you can get the beautiful translucent marble. This has the following size:
- Transparent marble with a diameter of 20mm
Wenn Du die Murmel haben möchtest, dann lies weiter.
So kannst Du bei der Minimalismus Challenge mitmachen!
- Melde Dich bei der Timeless Challenge an!
- Registriere Dich (falls noch nicht geschehen) bei dieser Seite (klick auf diesen Satz)
- Nun musst Du die Challenge bewältigen. Du räumst Dein Umfeld nach unseren Vorschlägen 30 Tage lang auf
- Wenn Du diese Challenge geschafft hast, dann füll bitte das untere Formular (nur sichtbar wenn Du registriert und angemeldet bist) aus. Wir schicken Dir die Murmel zu. Die Life Score Points werden Dir automatisch gutgeschrieben und im Life Museum ergänzt. Bitte schreibe Deine Lieferadresse in die „Notes“ im Formular.
The Minimalism Challenge on social media
Inspire other people with this challenge. We are convinced that it clarifies the view on things and creates awareness for really important things.
The Minimalism Challenge on Facebook
Wir laden Dich herzlich in unsere Facebook Gruppe „Emotionen“ zu einem Austausch ein.
- #timelesschallenge
- #tcminimalismuschallenge
- #timelesschallenger