The Czech Republic is famous for its friendly people, history and tradition, world-famous buildings and good food. But this beautiful country can also be proud of over 24,000 lakes, reservoirs and ponds, all located in beautiful natural surroundings.
Hast Du schon einmal überlegt die zehn größten Seen der Tschechischen Republik zu Fuß zu umrunden, dieses tolle Land kennen zu lernen, die Natur zu genießen und wunderbare Momente an den Ufern zu verbringen? Um Deine Motivation zu entfachen, erhältst Du nach der erfolgreichen Umrundung aller zehn Seen unsere Iron Lake Challenge Sammlermedaille in der Edition „Ceska Republika„.
So, let's go to the Iron Lake Challenge Ceska Republika!
The rules for Iron Lake Challenge Czech Republik are very simple. Nevertheless, we would like to clarify them once again at this point:
- Sign up for the Iron Lake Challenge Czech Republic!
- To conquer the Iron Lake Challenge Czech Republic and earn the beautiful collector's medal, you have to walk around the ten largest lakes in the Czech Republic after registering. Lakes that are partly on the territory of other countries are not included in this challenge.
- Bicycles, skates, etc. are not allowed, but you are welcome to hike or run.
- Each lake must be circumnavigated "in one piece" unless special rules apply (see below in the descriptions of the lakes). This means that you are welcome to take breaks, but you should complete the lake within one day. Of course you can divide the 10 lakes into different days. Do only one lake per day, because you want to enjoy this time!
- The Iron Lake Challenge Czech Republic has no time limit. This means that you can cycle around the ten lakes over several years.
- We trust you that you have really circumnavigated the lakes. However, if you want to be included in the time ranking, we need a copy of your tracking. We don't care what you use (watch, smartphone or app).
- Please note that traffic rules apply in public traffic areas and along roads and cycle paths. So move with consideration.
- You circumnavigate the lakes at your own risk and at your own risk. The operator of this website assumes no liability.
- Please heed medical advice if necessary or have a medical examination before the start of the Challenge. You are responsible for your own health, equipment and condition. Breaking off a tour is not a disgrace, health always comes first!
A few important rules for dealing with nature during your lake tour:
- Please take into account the local instructions for the protection of nature.
- Please do not go off the trails.
- Please do not make noise.
- Please do not collect rocks or minerals.
- Please do not collect mushrooms.
- Please do not leave any garbage lying around. Quite the opposite. Many of us even collect garbage.
- Please do not feed animals.
- Please do not make an open fire.
- Please do not pick plants.
This should be obvious to all of us, but it doesn't hurt to remember it from time to time.
The Registration fee for the Iron Lake Challenge Czech Republic is 24,- EUR.
In this entry fee is our Iron Lake Challenge “Ceska Republika edition” collectors medal and the green marble (20mm) of the Timeless Challenge included
How to register:
You will now receive a registration confirmation
- Now you have to walk around the ten largest lakes in the Czech Republic. As soon as you have completed the ten lakes, please upload your tracking in our challenge tool or send us an excerpt of your tracking as proof. We will also believe you without tracking, but then you will not be included in the honor roll.
- After we have checked this, you will receive your well-deserved medal and marble. Easy, isn't it?
The ten largest lakes in the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic has over 24,000 ponds and reservoirs, which are excellent tourist destinations with wonderful natural surroundings. A wide variety of leisure activities can be undertaken on and around these bodies of water. This includes getting to know them by walking around them. The ten largest lakes in the Czech Republic are large and you can look forward to around 400 kilometers of shoreline and a really cool challenge.
Lipno Reservoir
Der Lipno Stausee liegt im Südwesten der Tschechischen Republik und ist mit seinen 4650 Hektar der mit Abstand größte See der Tschechischen Republik. Der Stausee wurde bereits 1952 gebaut und sollte durch das Stauen der Moldau Städte wie Prag und Budweis vor Hochwasser schützen. Mittlerweile ist der Lipno Stausee ein riesiges Naherholungsgebiet mit vielen Möglichkeiten. Wenn Du den Lipno zu Fuß umrunden möchtest, dann warten 61, wunderschöne Kilometer auf Dich! Aufgrund seiner Länge hast Du zwei Tage dafür Zeit.
Recommended tour around the Lipno reservoir:
Orlík Reservoir
Die Orlík-Talsperre wurde nach der Burg Orlik benannt und liegt 80 km südlich von Prag an der Moldau. Sie ist mit ihren 2546 Hektar der zweitgrößte See in der Tschechischen Republik. Sie wurde für die Stromerzeugung, den Hochwasserschutz und zur Wasserregulierung der Moldau erbaut. Außerdem dient sie heute dem Wassersport, dem Schiffsverkehr und der Freizeiterholung. Dieser Gigant ist schwer zu bezwingen, denn Du musst ca. 74 Kilometer zu Fuß zurücklegen. Aufgrund seiner Länge hast Du zwei Tage dafür Zeit.
Recommended route around the Olik dam (Google Maps)
Novomlýnská Reservoir
Bei dem 1668 Hektar großen Stausee Novomlýnská handelt es sich um den unteren, der drei Stauseen „Nové Mlýny“. Er ist berühmt als Naherholungsgebiet mit zahlreichen Wassersportmöglichkeiten. Bei einer Umrundung warten auf Dich und Deine Füße 21 Kilometer reinsten Uferweges.
Recommended route around the Novomlýnská reservoir (Google Maps)
Slapy Reservoir
Die Talsperre Slapy liegt ca. 30 Kilometer südlich von Prag und ist ebenfalls Teil der „Moldau-Kaskade“. Mit ihren 1241 Hektar ist sie einer der größten Seen in der Tschechischen Republik. Der Stausee ist ein beliebtes Sommerurlaubsziel und bei der Umrundung wirst Du neben wunderschöner Natur auch immer wieder Schlösser und Burgen sehen. Und dich erwarten ca. 35 Kilometer.
Recommended route around the Slapy dam (Google Maps)
Věstonická Reservoir
Der Stausee Věstonická ist der mittlere, der drei „Nové Mlýny“ und ist berühmt als Vogelschutzgebiet von teilweise gefährdeten Arten. Die Einheimischen lieben ihn aber nicht nur für seine Natur, sondern auch zum Laufen, Mountainbiken und Inline Skaten. Er ist 1033 Hektar groß und für eine Umrundung kannst Du Dich auf 17 Kilometer Uferstrecke freuen.
Route recommendations for circumnavigating the Věstonická reservoir:
Jesenice Reservoir
The reservoir of the Jesenice dam has an area of 760 ha and extends over 12 km to Nový Hrozňatov (Neukinsberg). In 1961, during the flooding, the village of Jesenice (Jesenitz) was abandoned and a new settlement was built on the banks of the reservoir to the east of the old site. Dřenice (Treunitz) also sank into the reservoir, apart from the church and a few houses. Some of these can still be seen today on a hike. To walk around this dam, you have to cover around 25 kilometers on foot.
Tour recommendations around the Jesenice dam:
Mušovská Reservoir
The Mušovská Reservoir (also known as the Nové Mlýny I Reservoir or Horní Reservoir) is the first (and smallest) of three interconnected reservoirs of the Nové Mlýny Reservoir, which was built between 1975 and 1988. This valley reservoir on the Dyje lies on the border of the Brno-Venkov and Breclav districts in the South Moravia region. Around 20 kilometers of shoreline await you.
Recommended route around the Mušovská reservoir (Google Maps)
Medard is the largest artificial lake in the Czech Republic. It is located north-west of Sokolov and was created as part of a project to recultivate and revitalize the area affected by coal mining in the former Medard and Libík open-cast mines. With an area of 493 hectares, it is huge. To walk around it, you have to reckon with about 15 kilometers of shoreline.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating Lake Medard:
Rybník Rožmberk
Der Rosenberg-Weiher ist der größte, erhaltene Teich in der Tschechischen Republik wird auch Südböhmisches Meer bezeichnet. Die ursprüngliche Größe von 1.060 Hektar wurde bis auf derzeit 489 Hektar reduziert. Trotzdem ist er damit immer noch der drittgrößte See der Tschechischen Republik. Den Teich legte der Deichbauer Jakob Krčín von Jelčany im Sechzehnten Jahrhundert an. Mehr als 800 Arbeiter bewegten über 750 000 m³ Erdreich. Es warten über 20 Kilometer auf Dich, wenn Du diesen Weiher umrunden möchtest.
Recommended route around the Rosenberg pond (Google Maps)
Horusický rybník (Horusitz pond)
In terms of water surface area (415 hectares), Horusice Pond is the second largest pond in the Czech Republic after Rosenberg Pond. Bezdrev surpassed. It got its name from the village of Horusice (now part of the town of Veselí nad Lužnicí) and is one of the most productive fish ponds in the Czech Republic. You may find a shorter route, but the route we have measured is approximately 16.9 kilometers.
Recommended route around the Horusitz pond (Google Maps)
Iron Lake Challenge Czech Republic HONORARY PANEL
Here you can enter your lake circumnavigations quickly and easily and upload the evidence (e.g. a screenshot of your tracking). We will check them and then approve them. Your result is then saved and appears in the roll of honor.
Instructions for the Challenge Tool
This is how our honor board works
- Register on our site
- Select the lake you are circumnavigating under "Summit/Lake
- Enter the distance you have covered (in meters) under "Length / Mountain height (in m)"
- Enter the required time (in minutes) under "Time needed (in min).
- Enter the date of your circumnavigation under "date"
- Now you can upload the evidence (e.g. a screenshot of your tracking) under "Upload proof (optional)"
- Now all you have to do is SAVE!
- We check your round and release it. Then you will see your result in the ranking.
We would be happy if you share pictures, videos and your experiences around the Iron Lake Challenge with others. For this purpose we provide you with the following hashtags:
- #ironlakechallenge
- #ironlakechallengeceskarepublika
- #timelesschallenge
Of course we also invite you to join our Facebook group "Iron Lake Challenge Discussion Board".