Lombardy is located in the north of Italy between Lake Garda, Lake Maggiore and the Po Delta. The metropolis of Milan is world-famous and this region offers both vast plains and mountainous regions with high peaks. But Lombardy is most famous for its history, good food and beautiful lakes.
These lakes have often been the setting for famous films and both the rich and famous and thousands of less wealthy people like to visit these diamonds of northern Italy.
Hast Du Dir schon einmal überlegt die zehn größten Seen der Lombardei zu Fuß zu umrunden und dort wunderschöne Stunden zu verbringen und die begehrte Sammlermedaille der Iron Lake Challenge in der Edition „Lombardei“ zu verdienen? Gut. Dann mach mit bei der Iron Lake Challenge Lombardei!
The rules for Iron Lake Challenge Lombardy are very simple. Nevertheless, we would like to clarify them once again at this point:
- Sign up for the Iron Lake Challenge Lombardy!
- To conquer the Iron Lake Challenge Lombardy and earn the beautiful collector's medal, you have to walk around the ten largest lakes in Lombardy after registering. Lakes that are partly on the territory of other federal states are not included in this challenge.
- Bicycles, skates, etc. are not allowed, but you are welcome to hike or run.
- Each lake must be circumnavigated "in one piece" unless special rules apply (see below in the descriptions of the lakes). This means that you are welcome to take breaks, but you should complete the lake within one day. Of course you can divide the 10 lakes into different days. Do only one lake per day, because you want to enjoy this time!
- The Iron Lake Challenge Lombardy has no time limit. This means that you can cycle around the ten lakes over several years.
- We trust you that you have really circumnavigated the lakes. However, if you want to be included in the time ranking, we need a copy of your tracking. We don't care what you use (watch, smartphone or app).
- Please note that traffic rules apply in public traffic areas and along roads and cycle paths. So move with consideration.
- You circumnavigate the lakes at your own risk and at your own risk. The operator of this website assumes no liability.
- Please heed medical advice if necessary or have a medical examination before the start of the Challenge. You are responsible for your own health, equipment and condition. Breaking off a tour is not a disgrace, health always comes first!
A few important rules for dealing with nature during your lake tour:
- Please take into account the local instructions for the protection of nature.
- Please do not go off the trails.
- Please do not make noise.
- Please do not collect rocks or minerals.
- Please do not collect mushrooms.
- Please do not leave any garbage lying around. Quite the opposite. Many of us even collect garbage.
- Please do not feed animals.
- Please do not make an open fire.
- Please do not pick plants.
This should be obvious to all of us, but it doesn't hurt to remember it from time to time.
The Anmeldung zur Iron Lake Challenge Lombardei kostet Dich 24,- EUR.
In this entry fee is our Iron Lake Challenge "Lombardy Edition" collector's medal and the green marble (20mm) of the Timeless Challenge .
However, you first have to circumnavigate the ten largest lakes in Lombardy! Only then we will send you the well-deserved medal and marble! After all, you want to earn them and not get them as a gift.
How to register:
- Please click on the logo and you will be redirected to the registration page of our partner Digistore24
- You will now receive a registration confirmation
- Now you have to walk around the ten largest lakes in Lombardy (see below). As soon as you have completed the ten lakes, please send us an extract of your tracking as proof. We will also believe you without tracking, but then you will not be included in the honor roll.
- After we have checked this, you will receive your well-deserved medal and marble. Easy, isn't it?
If you have circumnavigated the ten largest lakes in Lombardy on foot, then you have completed the wonderful Iron Lake Challenge "Lombardy edition"Medal earned. This can be the first in your upcoming collection from the Iron Lake Challenge.
The Iron Lake Challenge is part of our Timeless Challenge. Therefore, you deserve (in addition to the collector's medal) the marble in green (health/sport). This will also be sent to you. The marble will have a diameter of 20mm.
You earn with your performance 38 Life Score Points These are automatically credited to you in our honor roll. This service is free of charge for you.
The ten largest lakes in Lombardy
Die Lombardei hat viele, schöne und vor allem große Seen zu bieten. Allerdings liegen die größten dieser Seen (z.B Gardasee, Lago Maggiore) nicht voll auf Lombardischem Gebiet, so dass sie in unseren „Top-Ten“ der größten Seen der Lombardei fehlen. Aber auch die verbliebenen Seen sind groß genug und vor allem wunderschön und einen Besuch wert.
Lake Como
Der Comer See liegt mit seinen riesigen 146 km² Wasserfläche vollständig in der Lombardei. An seinen Ufern liegen dutzende, wunderschöne Orte die alle einen Besuch wert sind. Seine Ufer sehen aus wie „Arme“ und so kommt er mit seiner charakteristische Form auf eine Uferlinie von 170 km Länge. Gelegen unterhalb sanfter Hügel wirst Du während Deiner Umrundung aus dem Staunen kaum herauskommen. Für die Umrundung des Comer Sees hast Du fünf Tage Zeit. Du kannst also genießen.
Suggested routes around Lake Como:
Lake Iseo
Der ca. 65 km² große Iseo See liegt in der lombardischen Provinz „Brescia“ am Fuße der Alpen. Das Seebecken wurden von Gletschern ausgehöhlt und wird vom Fluß Oglio gespeist. Der Iseo See hat viele steile Felsen in die Straßen gehauen wurden, so dass er mittlerweile komplett umrundet werden kann. Er ist nicht nur aufgrund seiner ihn umgebenden Ortschaften und der wundervollen Landschaft eine Reise wert. In seiner Nähe kannst Du auch das mystische Karsthöhlensystem bewundern. Um den Iseo See komplett zu Fuß zu umrunden musst Du mit ca. 70 Kilometern rechnen. Dafür hast Du zwei Tage Zeit.
Tour recommendations for circumnavigating Lake Iseo:
Lake Varese
Der Lago di Varese ist ca. 15 km² groß und liegt östlich des Lago Maggiore, nahe der lombardischen Stadt Varese. An einem nördlich gelegenen Bergrücken liegt der „Heilige Berg“ „Sacro Monte di Varese der mittlerweile UNESCO Weltkulturerbe ist. Um den Lago di Varese komplett zu Fuß zu umrunden musst Du mit ca. 28 Kilometern Fußweg rechnen.
Tour recommendations for the circumnavigation of Lago di Varese:
Lake Idro
At 11 km², Lake Idro is also located entirely in Lombardy, right between Lake Garda, Lake Ledro and Lake Iseo. Today it is fed with water by the Chiese and Caffaro rivers, but it was formed during the Ice Age. Even though Lake Idro is a mountain lake, it warms up to around 20 degrees in summer (like Lake Garda), so swimming is also possible. To circle the lake, you also have to cover a few meters in altitude. The distance along the shore (depending on the tour you choose) is approx. 24 kilometers.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating Lake Idro:
Annone Lake
Der 5,7 km² große Annone See wird auch „Lago die Oggione“ genannt und liegt in der Provinz Lecco. Die beiden Halbinseln Isella und Annone unterteilen den See in zwei Teile (Becken), die durch einen schmalen, nur wenige Meter breiten Kanal verbunden sind. Der See ist wunderschön zu umwandern und bietet sowohl kulinarisch als auch für das Auge Wunderbares. Eine Umrundung zu Fuß erfordert ca. 14 Kilometer.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating Lake Annone
Lake Mezzola
Der ca. 4 km² große Lago di Mezzola liegt nördlich des Comer Sees, eigentlich nur durch den Lauf des Flusses Mera getrennt. In seinem Süden befindet sich das Naturschutzgebiet „Riserva naturale Pian di Spagna e Lago di Mezzola„. Während der Urzeit diente die Region als wichtiger Verbindungsweg zwischen der Poebene und den Nordalpen. Für eine Umrundung zu Fuß musst Du ca. 14 Kilometer zurücklegen. Aber es gibt auch wunderschöne Wanderungen die etwas länger sind.
Tour suggestions for the circumnavigation of Lago di Mezzola
Lake Pusiano
Der 4,95 km² große Pusiano See liegt zwischen den Provinzen Como und Lecco in der Brianza, Lombardei. Der berühmte Maler Giovanni Segantini verewigte ihn in seinem berühmten Gemälde „Ave Maria a trasbordo“. Der Pusiano See entstand (so wie die anderen Seen des Brianza-Gebiets auch) nach dem Rückzug des riesigen Gletschers, der einen großen Teil des Brianza-Gebiets bedeckte. Ursprünglich bildete er zusammen mit dem Alserio-See eine Einheit, erst in jüngerer Zeit trennten sich die beiden Seen aufgrund der Sedimentansammlung. Ca. 14,5 Kilometer musst Du einmal herum zu Fuß zurücklegen.
Suggested tour around Lago di Pusiano (Google Maps)
Mantua Lakes (Lago di Superiore, Lago di Mezzo, Lago Inferiore)
The Laghi di Mantova are actually three lakes, but they merge directly into one another and are therefore almost impossible to separate. This has created a water surface area of approx. 3.67 km². As the shore areas cannot be entered in some places, a circular route of approx. 45 kilometers is created. A real challenge awaits you. However, you can split this into two days (if necessary).
Suggested tour around the Laghi di Mantova (Google Maps) – Vielen Dank an Francesco für seine wertvollen Erfahrungen zur Route. Diese machen den dargestellten Weg viel sicherer. Francesco weist auch darauf hin, dass sich am Lago Mezzo und Lago Inferiore ein Weg direkt am Ufer befindet, so dass man noch mehr Freude an dem See haben kann. Vielen Dank Francesco!
Lago di Comabbio
Lago di Comabbio is a lake very close to Lago di Varese in the province of Varese and covers an area of 3.4 km². The lake is populated by a diverse population of fish and is popular with anglers. As motorboats are prohibited, the water is not polluted. If you want to walk around Lago di Comabbio, you have to cover a distance of around 14 kilometers.
Tour suggestion for the circumnavigation of Lago di Comabbio
Lake Endine
The approximately 2.1 km² Lago di Endine is located in Vall Cavallina, in the province of Bergamo. The lake is not very well developed for tourism, although there are numerous communities on its shores. So far, activities there have tended to focus on water sports (fishing, rowing, etc.). However, the communities around the lake are great places to stop for a bite to eat and the lake is beautifully situated. For a complete circumnavigation you have to walk about 17 kilometers.
Tour recommendations for the circumnavigation of Lago di Endine
Iron Lake Challenge EHRENTAFEL Lombardei
Here you can quickly and easily enter your results and upload the evidence (e.g. screen copy of your tracking). We check them and approve them. Then your result is saved and appears in the honor roll.
Instructions for the Challenge Tool
This is how our honor board works
- Register on our site
- Select the lake you are circling under "Lake"
- Enter the distance you have covered (in meters) under "Length in m"
- Enter the required time (in minutes) under "Time needed (in min).
- Enter the date of your circumnavigation under "date"
- Now you can upload the evidence (e.g. a screenshot of your tracking) under "Upload proof (optional)"
- Now all you have to do is SAVE!
- We check your round and release it. Then you will see your result in the ranking.
No results
We would be happy if you share pictures, videos and your experiences around the Iron Lake Challenge with others. For this purpose we provide you with the following hashtags:
- #ironlakechallenge
- #ironlakechallengelombardia
- #timelesschallenge
Of course we also invite you to join our Facebook group "Iron Lake Challenge Discussion Board".
The Iron Lake Challenge is more than just a one-off adventure. For many people, it has become a part of their lives and an opportunity to get to know their own country and the world and experience unforgettable moments. That's why we recommend the other Iron Lake Challenges:
Avete dimenticato il Lago di Comabbio, poco distante dal lago di Varese! Circa 13 km di lunghezza con percorso ciclopedonale dedicato quasi per intero
Grazie mille per le preziose informazioni. Abbiamo prestato molta attenzione alla selezione dei laghi. Ma siamo felici di controllare, perché non siamo certo esenti da errori.
Grazie mille,
Ciao Marco,
Abbiamo verificato il tuo commento ed è corretto. Abbiamo quindi aggiunto il Lago di Comabbio alla lista.
Grazie mille e grazie a voi,
In questa pagina, si parla dell’Iron lake challenge Lombardia. In alcune parti, c’è „Lazio“. Forse avete fatto un copia ed incolla del Testo dell’Iron lake challenge della Regione Lazio, senza poi modificare il nome
Grazie mille per i preziosi consigli. È stato un mio errore. Lo correggerò subito lunedì.
Grazie ancora e auguri alla bella Italia,
Buon giorno, sono Comini Luciano presidente e maestro di Nordic walking, dell’associazione ASD Nordic Walking Mantova, e grazie al nostro Comune di Mantova ci ha certificato e sponsorizzato con la messa in opera, di tabelle e frecce, indicando oltre alla direzione, anche il chilometraggio, lungo al percorso attorno ai 3 laghi di Mantova per un totale di circa 14 km Tali tabelle sono poste in 7 punti diversi, dove possibile parcheggiare e iniziare le varie camminate a secondo le proprie capacità di cammino ,e di corsa. Con la speranza che queste note siano utili per dare continuità al vostro progetto. Cordiali saluti Luciano Comini 335-5897919
Grazie mille per i preziosi consigli. Sono certo che le schede saranno molto utili.
È un’ottima idea di cui abbiamo bisogno in tutti i laghi.
Purtroppo sono troppo pochi i laghi che hanno sentieri ben sviluppati e pannelli informativi utili.
Mi scuso se ho commesso un errore. Il mio italiano non è ancora così buono. Ma sto imparando ogni giorno!
I migliori saluti da Kirchheim,