You toss and turn in bed and can't fall asleep. The comforter feels heavy. Your heart races and beats like a steam hammer, your feet sweat even though you have stretched them out. Your thoughts are only about money, money that is missing. You don't know how to pay everything. Again a bill has arrived today. What are they all thinking, where is all the money going to come from? Your account is already deep red and your salary is not even enough to bring it back into the debit, at least in the short term. How could it come so far? What can you do? How do you get out of this deep ditch? How do you tell your loved ones that you have failed financially?
Why a financial security challenge?
Im deutschsprachigen Raum sind wir es nicht gewohnt, offen über unsere Finanzen zu sprechen. Geld „hat man einfach“, da wird nicht drüber geredet. Die Folge ist, dass uns oft selbst eine finanzielle Grundbildung fehlt, da wir uns nicht über Finanzen austauschen.
The consequences are fatal for your life! You forego further training for lack of money, you can't go out with friends, the family hasn't taken a vacation together for years and you're afraid of the bill before every visit to the workshop. Please don't let the washing machine break down, because that would be a financial blow.
I apologize if my descriptions have made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up! I am sure that you also know this negative feeling.
Tatsache ist, dass gesunde Finanzen zu einem erfüllten Leben gehören. „Financial security (Finanzielle Sicherheit)“ soll Dich vor genau diesen, beschriebenen Situationen beschützen. Um diese zu erreichen gibt es „Werkzeuge“ wie z.B. eine Challenge. Das schöne an einer Challenge ist, dass sie Dich zwingt, Dich mit Deinen Finanzen zu beschäftigen und Dir ganz klar zeigt wo du finanziell stehst. Auf dieser Basis kannst Du ab sofort anfangen Deine Situation zu verbessern. In kleinen Schritten, aber verbessern!
I believe that every person can change the world with their actions! Make your life through meaningful actions (challenges) to something special and lasting! Make yourself immortal!
We want to plant one million trees worldwide without begging for donations!
Uwe Kauntz
Stay informed!
- Instagram: @timeless_challenge
- Facebook: Rockyourgoal
- Twitter: @goal_rock
Rules - What exactly is Financial Security?
You'll find dozens of definitions of financial security on the Internet and in various coaching books. We have an extremely clear definition here:
Financial security means that you cover your daily living expenses for six months without a single euro of income, because you have this money as a reserve!
Diese „eiserne Reserve“ soll Deine Liquidität sichern. Auch wenn Du diese mal angreifen musst, sie wird Dich vor unvorhergesehenen, finanziellen Belastungen schützen und Dich gut und sicher schlafen lassen.
Financial security is NOT about wealth! It's about reassuring basic financial protection for those times when your life is an asshole!
What amount are we talking about specifically?
It all depends on your life situation. But let's keep this question simple:
- Monthly fixed costs: So it is about rent, car, taxes, insurances, vacations etc. (for this the yearly one-time costs like insurances, car tax, vacations etc. are converted to the month, so divided by 12). plus
- Monthly variable costs as average (Food and cost of other basic needs).
Life Score Punkte für die Challenge „Finanzielle Sicherheit“

Your economic existence depends on your financial security! For this reason, we will value it very highly. You will receive 500 Life-Score Points wenn Du Dir das beschriebene „finanzielle Polster“ aufgebaut hast.
But be careful! You must protect and expand it, otherwise it will be gone again quickly!
MURMEL FÜR DIE CHALLENGE „Finanzielle Sicherheit“
Für diese Challenge kannst Du die wunderschöne Murmel in gelb bekommen. Diese haben die folgende Größe:
- Eine gelbe Murmel mit einem Durchmesser von 20mm
If you want the marble(s), please read on ....
Be diligent and financially smart. Spend less than you could each month and save the money. Keep an accurate expense book and know what your monthly fixed costs are (annual one-time costs are converted to the month).
If you have saved enough money to cover your expenses for six months without earning a single euro, then you have earned the 500 Life Score points.
- Melde Dich bei der Timeless Challenge an!
- Registriere Dich (falls noch nicht geschehen) bei dieser Seite (klick auf diesen Satz)
- If you can manage financially for six months without any income, please fill out the form below, including the message that you have completed the Challenge. We will send you the well-deserved Life Score points and the marble.
- Wenn die Challenge geschafft hast, dann füll bitte das untere Formular (nur sichtbar wenn Du registriert und angemeldet bist) aus. Wir schicken Dir die Murmel zu. Die Life Score Points werden Dir automatisch gutgeschrieben und im Life Museum ergänzt. Bitte schreibe Deine Lieferadresse in die „Notes“ im Formular.
Die Challenge „Finanzielle Sicherheit“ in Social Media
We believe that healthy finances are a reason to be proud. We do not want to judge whether they belong in social media. We are of the opinion that everyone has to decide for themselves. While it is possible to exchange tips on saving, investing and stumbling blocks in an innocuous manner, we would not publish specific amounts or plans.
Facebook Gruppe für die „Finanzielle Sicherheit“ Challenge
You can exchange ideas with others on topics related to finance and saving in our Facebook group in the Personality section.
- #timelesschallenge
- #tcfinanziellesicherheit
- #timelesschallenger