Nun ist es endlich soweit. Du kannst ab sofort den 12 Wochen Trainingsplan „Griffkrafttraining für Hindernisläufer“ bestellten.
Get your 12 Grip Strength Training Plan for 8,99 DollarWe think, it is a fair price
For the price of 8,99 Dollar you will get:
An ebook (43 page PDF) with the following content:
- Guide to properly build grip strength and grip strength endurance for OCR Athletes. This is a comprehensive collection of knowledge that contains everything you need to know as a OCR Athlete to systematically train your grip strength.
- 12 week training plan to build strong grip strength that meets all the demands of obstacle course running.
Details about the content of the ebook::
- Reasons for good grip strength in a nutshell
- Why is grip strength training in OCR "special"?
- The different types of grip strength
- General principles of grip strength training
- Principles of any training session
- The connection between grip strength and a strong shoulder
– Extensor Training
- Isometric vs. dynamic grip strength training
- Exercises for good grip strength
- Combination exercises grip strength training and functional fitness
- Grip strength training tools
- Obstacle specific grip strength training for OCR
Conquer the Rigs
12 weeks training plan „Grip wins Races“
Any questions? Contact us!
You can reach me at the following contact details
Uwe Kauntz, Ludwigstr. 28, 85551 Kirchheim, Germany, Email:
After the many weeks of work I would be very happy about your feedback. What is good, what is missing? I would be happy about your comment!
- Das große Griffkraft Tutorial für Hindernisläufer (dieses ist übrigens bei dem 12-Wochen-Griffkraft Trainingsplan mit als PDF-Datei dabei)
- Griffkraft Training im OCR kurz und knapp
- 5 Tools für mehr Griffkraft im OCR