Do you also have a habit that you would like to get rid of? I mean, there's that ONE thing that's been bothering you about yourself for so long and still haunts you without you getting rid of it.
I don't know anyone who doesn't have such a bad habit. And that's exactly why we started the Bad Habit Challenge.
You beat this habit for 30 days and get from us the deserved Life-Score Points.
How can you get rid of bad habits?
How to get rid of bad habits is the content of many books, courses and self-proclaimed mentors. But stick (very roughly) to the following approach:
- Make a list of the bad habits that bother you. Think flexibly, because you could have bad habits not only towards yourself, but also towards your family, friends, colleagues or other groups of people.
- Pick one (PLEASE ONLY ONE) of these habits. It should be the one that bothers you the most or has a particularly negative impact on you.
- And now make a plan how to avoid this bad habit for 30 days. You can resort to environmental changes, substitute gratification instead of the habit, change the trigger moments, etc.
- Keep your goal in focus and avoid this bad habit. However, if at some point you weaken, it's no big deal! Just keep going. Don't get demotivated! You may be starting over, but you are starting from a completely different set of experiences.
- Be honest with yourself, ALWAYS!
- Finish the challenge and you will see that you have changed.
- Once you've given up the bad habit for 30 days, you don't really need it anymore, do you?
- Write down your experiences
- Celebrate yourself! But do it properly and NOT with the discarded bad habit.
I believe that every person can change the world with their actions! Make your life through meaningful actions (challenges) to something special and lasting! Make yourself immortal!
We want to plant one million trees worldwide without begging for donations!Uwe Kauntz
Stay informed!
- Instagram: @timeless_challenge
- Facebook: Rockyourgoal
- Twitter: @goal_rock
Rules of the Bad Habits Challenge
You don't do a negative habit for 30 days. Just replace it with a better one! If you've kicked a habit after 30 days, then of course you can tackle another bad habit and start the challenge again. But don't fall off the wagon with the first one! 😉
Life Score points for the Bad Habits Challenge
If you manage to banish a bad habit for 30 days (or replace it with a good one), you will have 10 Life-Score Points !
How can you join the Bad Habits Challenge?
- Melde Dich bei der Timeless Challenge an!
- Registriere Dich (falls noch nicht geschehen) bei dieser Seite (klick auf diesen Satz)
- Jetzt heißt es konsequent sein! Verzichte 30 Tage auf die schlechte Angewohnheit.
- Wenn Du die 30 Tage geschafft hast, dann füll bitte das untere Formular (nur sichtbar wenn Du registriert und angemeldet bist) aus. Wir schicken Dir die Murmel zu. Die Life Score Points werden Dir automatisch gutgeschrieben und im Life Museum ergänzt. Bitte schreibe Deine Lieferadresse in die „Notes“ im Formular.
The Bad Habits Challenge in Social Media
Motiviere auch Andere ihre schlechten Angewohnheiten abzulegen. Dazu kannst Du Social Media hervorragend nutzen.
Die Bad Habits Challenge auf Facebook
Wir laden Dich herzlich zum zwanglosen Austausch über diese Challenge in unsere Gruppe „Personality“ in Facebook ein.
- #timelesschallenge
- #tcbadhabitschallenge
- #timelesschallenger