Germany is large, varied and beautiful. The sea in the north and the Alps in the south border individual regions that all have their own magic. Each of the 16 states has its own history, beautiful cities and lots of water in the form of lakes, rivers and streams.
Imagine how intensively you will get to know Germany if you walk around the ten largest lakes? Take your time and use the circumnavigation of the following lakes as an opportunity to see the local sights, test the culinary offerings and get to know the people.
That's exactly how the Iron Lake Challenge Germany is meant to be. Of course you should be ambitious, you have to be to complete this challenge, but above all you should enjoy and get to know Germany.
Germany's lakes are as varied as the country itself and are surrounded by wonderful nature and great recreational areas. Lake Constance (although it would actually be the largest lake in Germany) is not included in our challenge, as its shores stretch across three countries. But the remaining lakes will still challenge you and bring you wonderful moments of life. After all, you will cover over 500 kilometers.
We use the majority of the proceeds from the entry fees to finance new tree seedlings for the worldwide reforestation of forests! Das ist unser „Why„.
- Sign up for the Iron Lake Challenge Germany!
- To conquer the Iron Lake Challenge Germany and earn the beautiful collector's medal, you have to walk around the ten largest lakes in Germany (excluding Lake Constance) after your registration.
- Bicycles, skates, etc. are not allowed, but you are welcome to hike or run.
- Each lake must be circumnavigated "in one piece". This means that you are welcome to take breaks, but you should complete the lake in one day, unless there is a special regulation for certain lakes. There are lakes that are too big for a one-day tour, for these you may take several days. Of course, you can (and must) divide the circumnavigations of the 10 lakes into different days. Do only one lake per day, because you want to enjoy this time! You have no time limit for this challenge, which means that you can take several years.
- We trust you that you have really circumnavigated the lakes. However, if you want to be included in the time ranking, we need a copy of your tracking. We don't care what you use (watch, smartphone or app).
- Please note that the Road Traffic Act applies in public traffic areas and along roads and cycle paths. So move considerately.
- You circumnavigate the lakes at your own risk and at your own risk. The operator of this website assumes no liability.
- Please heed medical advice if necessary or have a medical examination before the start of the Challenge. You are responsible for your own health, equipment and condition. Breaking off a tour is not a disgrace, health always comes first!

Important rules for dealing with nature during your lake tour:
- Please take into account the local instructions for the protection of nature.
- Please do not go off the trails.
- Please do not make noise.
- Please do not collect rocks or minerals.
- Please do not collect mushrooms.
- Please do not leave trash lying around.
- Please do not feed animals.
- Please do not make an open fire.
- Please do not pick plants.
This should be obvious to all of us, but it doesn't hurt to remember it from time to time.
Registration and scope of services
The registration fee for the Iron Lake Challenge is 24,- EUR.
In this entry fee is our Iron Lake Challenge “Germany Edition” Sammlermedaille and the green marble (20mm) of the Timeless Challenge .
However, for this you first have to go around the ten largest lakes in Germany! Only then we will send you the well-deserved medal and marble! After all, you want to earn them and not get them as a gift.
With your registration fee you support my heart project, the Reforestation of one million trees worldwide!
This is how you can register:
- Please click on the logo and you will be redirected to the registration page of our partner Digistore24
- After booking the Iron Lake Challenge you will receive a confirmation of registration
- Now you have to walk around the ten largest lakes in Germany. As soon as you have completed them, please send us an excerpt of your tracking as proof. We believe you even without tracking, but then you will not be included in the Iron Lake Museum List.
- After we have checked this, you will receive your well-deserved medal and marble. Easy, isn't it?
Your medal and your marble
If you've walked around Germany's ten largest lakes, then you've earned the beautiful Iron Lake Challenge "Germany Edition"Medal earned. This can be the first in your upcoming collection from the Iron Lake Challenge.

Life Score points and the Timeless marble
The Iron Lake Challenge is part of our Timeless Challenge. Therefore, you deserve (in addition to the collector's medal) the marble in green (health/sport). This will also be sent to you. The marble will have a diameter of 20mm.

You earn with your performance ca. 50 Life Score Points. These will be presented to both the Roll of honor Germany, as well as the Life Lake Museum credited. This service is free of charge for you.
The ten largest lakes in Germany
The Iron Lake Challenge Germany will show you Germany from its most beautiful (lake) side. Maybe you have already completed one of our Iron Lake Bundesland Challenges, in which case you may have already done some preliminary work. For example, if you have already done the Iron Lake Challenge Bavaria, then you can already tick off three of the large German lakes.
On the other hand.... if you haven't made a single lake yet, then look forward to what lies ahead!
With 117 square kilometers of water surface, the Müritz is the largest lake in Germany, whose shore runs only on German soil. To go around the Müritz, you have to go to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and walk about 85 kilometers.
However, due to the length of the tour, you have three days to enjoy the unique nature of the Müritz. The Mecklenburg Lake District is famous throughout Europe for its unspoiled nature.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating the Müritz:
Lake Chiemsee
As the largest lake in Bavaria, Lake Chiemsee is called "the Bavarian Sea" and with its almost 53 kilometers The length of the shore is a real challenge for all runners and hikers. However, Lake Chiemsee offers beautiful lakeside promenades, great places to stop, the view of the two famous Herreninsel and Fraueninsel as well as the Chiemgau mountains during your tour. However, you should not take too long to look, because 53 kilometers are a real board and must be done in one day.
Tour suggestions:
Lake Schwerin
Der Schweriner See gehört zur berühmten Mecklenburger Seenplatte und liegt im Westen Mecklenburgs. Zum Schweriner See gehört der „Schweriner Innensee“ und der „Schweriner Aussensee“, die durch eine schmale Landzunge voneinander getrennt sind. Mit 61,5 Gesamt-Quadratkilometern sind die beiden Seen echte Riesen und Du musst mit ca. 61 Kilometern rechnen. Natürlich hast Du dafür zwei Tage Zeit.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigation of Lake Schwerin:
- Blaue Acht – Umrundung des Schweriner Sees (ACHTUNG: Hier wird auch die Landzunge zwischen den Seen gemacht)
- Umrundung des Schweriner Sees (Schweriner Rundtour)
Lake Starnberg
Lake Starnberg is considered the lake of "Beautiful and rich", but of course that is only part of the truth. Also at the Starnberger See you have to calculate with approx. 50 to 53 kilometer for a circumnavigation, so it's a real challenge. But the nice thing is that you will find an almost continuous lakeside path around the lake.
Tourenvorschläge zur Umrundung des Starnberger Sees:
- Komoot Umrundung des Starnberger See (Wanderung)
- Outdoor Active Umrundung des Starnberger See (Fahrradweg)
The Ammersee is with its 4606 hectares the third largest lake in Bavaria and offers you with its approx. 48 kilometers of shoreline the opportunity to collect many kilometers in a beautiful landscape. There is a real lake circuit that invites you to enjoy and stop for a bite to eat.
Tour suggestions zur Umrundung des Ammersee:
- Komoot Ammerseeumrundung (allerdings als Fahrradtour)
- Outdooractive Ammerseeumrundung (ebenfalls Fahrradtour)
Lake Plaue
Lake Plau is surrounded by beautiful small villages and a large nature reserve where you can sometimes even see an osprey. With an area of about 38 square kilometers and a shore length of about 48 kilometers (depending on the selected round trip) it is challenging, but also rewarding.
Suggestions for tours around Lake Plaue
Lake Kummerow
With 32.55 square kilometers, the quite stately Kummerower See is located in the Mecklenburg Lake District. It is an insider tip for a wonderful vacation and its shore zones are very diverse. If you want to go around it, you have to plan some time, because there are about 45 kilometers waiting for you. Maybe there is another route (but we could not find any so far), which is shorter.
Suggestions for tours around the Kummerow Lake
Lake Steinhude
Steinhuder Meer is located in Lower Saxony and has an area of 29.12 square kilometers. Its shores are well developed and many people know this lake as a real water sports paradise. We remember it for its excellent fish cuisine. If you want to go around it, 32 kilometers are waiting for you.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigation of the Steinhuder Meer
Lake Plön
With its 28 square kilometers, Lake Plön is the largest lake in Schleswig Holstein. It is located in the Holstein Switzerland Nature Park and is a very popular recreation area. For a circumnavigation you have to calculate with about 47 kilometers.
Suggested tours around Lake Plön
Der Schaalsee ist der Mittelpunkt des UNESCO-Biosphärenreservates und liegt zwischen Schleswig Holstein und Mecklenburg Vorpommern. Mit seinen 24 Quadratkilometern Wasserfläche ist er, wenn auch „nur“ die Nummer 10 unserer Challenge ein richtig großer See. Auf Dich warten 46 wunderschöne Kilometer.
Tour suggestions for circumnavigating the Schaalsee:
The Iron Lake Challenge on social media
We would be happy if you share pictures, videos and your experiences around the Iron Lake Challenge with others. For this purpose we provide you with the following hashtags:
- #ironlakechallenge
- #ironlakechallengegermany
- #timelesschallenge
The Iron Lake Challenge on Facebook
Of course we also invite you to join our Facebook group "Iron Lake Challenge Discussion Board".
Here you can quickly and easily enter your results and upload the evidence (e.g. screen copy of your tracking). We check them and approve them. Then your result is saved and appears in the honor roll.
Instructions for the Challenge Tool
This is how our honor board works
- Register on our site
- Select the lake you are circumnavigating under "Summit/Lake
- Enter the distance you have covered (in meters) under "Length / Mountain height (in m)"
- Enter the required time (in minutes) under "Time needed (in min).
- Enter the date of your circumnavigation under "date"
- Now you can upload the evidence (e.g. a screenshot of your tracking) under "Upload proof (optional)"
- Now all you have to do is SAVE!
- We check your round and release it. Then you will see your result in the ranking.
![]() | We have taken the liberty of presenting a few products related to the Iron Lake Challenge in our Shop anzubieten und hoffen, sie gefallen Dir! |
Die Fähre in Aalbude hatte am 27. Oktober in dieser Saison ihren letzten Tag. Wir hatten Glück.
Man muss sonst einen langen Umweg laufen.
Vielen Dank für die Info. Da muss ich mir auch noch etwas überlegen….
Hallo Uwe,
ich habe am 04.01.2025 den Starnberger See für die ILC Bavaria umrundet.
Würde diese Tour auch noch nachträglich für die ILC Deutschland zählen, wenn ich mich dafür z.B. am 08.01.2025 anmelde?
Wandervolle Grüße, Harald
Aber natürlich. Kein Problem.
MUSS bei die Challenge die angegebene Tage eingehalten werden? Zum Beispiel, Müritzsee in drei Tage oder gar Chiemsee in nur ein einziges Tag umrunden?? Splitten auf mehr Tage nicht zulässig?
Es handelt sich um die maximale Dauer. Aber ganz ehrlich…. wenn Du z.B. für den Chiemsee länger brauchst, dann bekommst Du Deine Medaille natürlich trotzdem. Du würdest jedoch nicht in der Ehrentabelle erscheinen.
Du machst das alles für Dich und natürlich belohnen wir jeden der diese Herausforderung angenommen und gemeistert hat.
Viele Grüße,