You are probably aware that you eat too much sugar. But you are not alone, most people in the world feel this way. But you should also be aware that you can control your sugar consumption. We offer you with the Sugar-Free Challenge a small motivational aid.
Versuch doch mal, 30 Tage lang ohne das „weiße Pulver“ (also zuckerfrei) zu leben. Dabei musst Du sicherlich auf lieb gewonnene Produkte und Gewohnheiten verzichten, aber auch so eine Zeit kann man genießen. Der Sinn dieser Challenge ist es, dass Du mal einen Monat lang ausprobierst ob es sich für Dich lohnt zuckerfrei zu leben. Vielleicht fühlst Du Dich so gut, dass Du das beibehalten möchtest. Wenn nicht, dann hast Du es mal ausprobiert und weißt es.
Framework information around our sugar consumption
There are some great guides about sugar, its effects on our body and the benefits of avoiding sugar. We have no claim to completeness here, but would still like to offer you some brief framework information.
The Sougar Free Challenge is of course also part of the Timeless Challenge!
Stay informed!
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We want to plant one million trees worldwide without begging for donations!
Uwe (Initiator)
Where does sugar hide in our everyday lives?
Sure, there's sugar in chocolate, gummy bears, soft drinks (sure, there are sugar-free soft drinks, too) and other sweets. That's no secret.
But did you know that sugar is also in bread, ketchup and sausage? Or in numerous dairy products, many mueslis, in applesauce, pickled cucumbers! or beet from the jar?
Auf der Zutatenliste der Hersteller solltest Du bei den Begriffen „Glukose, Saccharose, Dextrose, Fruktosesirup, Glukosesirup, Laktose, Maltose, Malzextrakt, Dextrin, Maltodextrin“ stutzig werden.
What happens in your body when you live sugar-free for 30 days?
Ein Verzicht auf Zucker wird Dir viel abverlangen, Dir aber auch viele Vorteile bringen. Die ersten Tage wirst Du unter Heißhunger auf Zucker leiden, vielleicht spürst Du das Fehlen des „Boosters“ und vielleicht leidest Du sogar unter leichten Kopfschmerzen. Aber halte durch!
After about a week, the situation changes fundamentally. Now your blood sugar level has adjusted, your metabolism is now adapted and you feel more energy throughout the day. You sleep better and deeper, but right now it is hard to keep up the sugar renunciation.
After about two weeks your skin will be better and more elastic. The reason is that sugar increases inflammation levels and by avoiding sugar, the skin regulates itself and appears healthier and more vital.
Your defenses become stronger (after all, you have less inflammation in your body) and you notice that you no longer get sick so easily. Through the natural insulin release, your blood pressure will regulate itself and also the mirror and the scales will show you changes.
But also your craving for sugar will decrease and you will taste food much more intensely again. An apple suddenly tastes so much sweeter than before your abstinence phase!
A few tips on how you can make your everyday life sugar-free
Okay, you've decided to follow the Sugar-Free Challenge for 30 days and give up sugar for 30 days. Applesauce, honey and agave syrup are also not allowed.
If you still want to enjoy your morning cereal or a cake, there are a few sugar alternatives you can fall back on. Okay, we admit it's not a full replacement, but they'll get you by for 30 days.
- Fruit pulp (not fruit must),
- Baking Cocoa,
- Nutmeg,
- Ground nuts,
- Dried fruit,
- Cinnamon,
- Bourbon vanilla,
- Gingerbread spice,
- grated lemon (or orange)
- Coconut flakes or coconut oil
You can start your day with a sugar-free porridge or semolina with nuts and fruit. This way you start the day full of energy and vitamins.
Für Dein Mittagessen solltest Du auf Fertigessen (z.B. Fertigsoßen wie Ketchup oder Pastasoße) verzichten. Wenn Du es Dir richtig hart geben willst, dann google mal die „Clean Eating Strategie“. Wie gesagt, es geht diese 30 Tage darum auszuprobieren und offen zu sein.
If you're really craving sugar, take heart. These alternatives will help you:
- Fresh fruit and berries
- Dried Fruit
- Nuts
- Fruit pulp (e.g. apple pulp)
- Natural yogurt with fruits
- Crackers, crispbread
- Carrot and cucumber sticks (yes guys, this is good for you too)
Okay, despite all these tips, you have to be strong for 30 days. But honestly, if you can't do it, who will? Maybe it will help if you can convince your partner to join in too! It's more fun together and you can coordinate your purchases.
Rules for the Sugar-Free Challenge
Du darfst 30 Tage lang keinen Zucker essen 🙂 Naja, eigentlich ist es (wenn man genau ist) „kein verarbeiteter Zucker“.
Here's how you can join the Sugar-Free Challenge
- Melde Dich bei der Timeless Challenge an!
- Registriere Dich (falls noch nicht geschehen) bei dieser Seite (klick auf diesen Satz)
- Wenn Du einen ganzen Monat (oder noch besser ein ganzes Jahr über) auf Zucker verzichtet hast, hast Du die Challenge geschafft.
- Füll bitte das untere Formular (nur sichtbar wenn Du registriert und angemeldet bist) aus. Wir schicken Dir die Murmel zu. Die Life Score Points werden Dir automatisch gutgeschrieben und im Life Museum ergänzt. Bitte schreibe Deine Lieferadresse in die „Notes“ im Formular.
Life-Score Punkte für die Sugar-Free Challenge

We know how hard it is to live without sugar for 30 days. That's why you have 30 Life-Score Points earned! For each additional month you last, you'll earn another 10 Life Score points.
The Sugar Free Challenge on social media
You can imagine how much added value you create if you also encourage other people to give up sugar. Therefore, feel free to share your experiences. Every person can make this world a little better.
The Sugar Free Challenge on Facebook
We invite you to join our group for an informal exchange about this challenge. Sport and health in Facebook.
- #timelesschallenge (show that you like this challenge)
- #tchsugar-free
- #Timelesschallenger