This challenge is about becoming a good provider for yourself and your family and saving money.
The Nourisher Challenge is very simple. Cook a new recipe once a week. If you do this 52 weeks a year, you'll automatically be Favorite recipes find that you cook again and again.
Der Sinn der Nourisher Challenge besteht also darin, Vielfalt und damit Gesundheit für Dich und Deine Familie auf den Tisch zu bringen und das Geld für das „Essen Gehen“ zu sparen. Der Sinn besteht aber auch darin, Kochen zu lernen und sich mit der Gesundheit der Zutaten zu beschäftigen.
The Sober Month Challenge is of course also part of the Timeless Challenge!
Stay informed!
- Instagram: @timeless_challenge
- Facebook: Rockyourgoal
- Twitter: @goal_rock
We want to plant one million trees worldwide without begging for donations!
Uwe (Initiator)
Cook a new (no repeats) recipe for yourself and your loved ones once a week (for a total of 52 times a year). We recommend a healthy recipe, of course, but that's up to you, because variety is usually healthy.
We recommend that you rate the recipes and cook the good ones over and over again. After all, the point of the challenge is to encourage you to cook healthy and regularly.
Life Score Points for the Nourisher Challenge
In this challenge, you will try a new recipe at least once a week for a year. This consistency deserves respect and you will be rewarded with valuable Life Score points.
Challenge Logo | Name | Life-Score Points | Note |
![]() | Sober Month Challenge | 100 | You can do this challenge for several years and earn new Life Score points every year |
Murmeln für die Nourisher Challenge
How you can participate in the Nourisher Challenge
This challenge should also enrich your life. You do it for yourself! Therefore, we assume that you are honest (with yourself and with us).
Look forward to cooking and cook as often as possible per week, but at least once a week. If you can do this for 52 weeks in a row, then you've earned the 200 Life Score points.
- Melde Dich bei der Timeless Challenge an!
- Registriere Dich (falls noch nicht geschehen) bei dieser Seite (klick auf diesen Satz)
- Jetzt darfst Du kochen! 52 Wochen lang, mindestens einmal die Woche.
- Wenn Du 30 Tage lang 15 Minuten eine fremde Sprache gelernt hast, dann füll bitte das untere Formular (nur sichtbar wenn Du registriert und angemeldet bist) aus. Wir schicken Dir die Murmel zu. Die Life Score Points werden Dir automatisch gutgeschrieben und im Life Museum ergänzt. Bitte schreibe Deine Lieferadresse in die „Notes“ im Formular.
The Nourisher Challenge in Social Media
It's much nicer to share home-cooked dishes on social media than any dishes from a restaurant. After all, you can be proud of the home-cooked!
- #timelesschallenge
- #tcnourisherchallenge
- #timelesschallenger
My experience with the Nourisher Challenge
I haven't yet managed to cook once a week for a whole year. But I and my family have learned to appreciate it since I've been doing it regularly. I suddenly recognize vegetables at the store that I didn't even know existed before. I enjoy cooking and eating with my family. I should have started this much earlier!